Update Dec. 24, 2015 We're about to volunteer at a children's homeless shelter doing activities with kids and it reminded me about this post and how I've 'seen so much invisibility' over the holiday season particularly. From social shunning and ostracism within families, to homeless and disenfranchised groups, the holidays bring out a lot of invisibility...keep an eye out with … [Read more...]
The Invisible Boy: A Kids Storybook That Taps A Universal Nerve
Dialing for Disorders: Let’s Move To Prevent Them By July 12!
June 29, 2010 As a kids' health advocate (inside and out) I’ve been covering the "HUGE" conversation pertaining to media’s responsibility and accountability in how the portrayal of being overweight in our appearance-obsessed culture is handled. (Huge: Part One, Part Two) Now it’s time to weigh in on the policy piece. (I'm not referring to RWJF's annual "F as in Fat" … [Read more...]
Media Addiction vs. Agency: The Context of Control Part Two
Jan. 13, 2010 My brother AND my mother sent me this little cartoon jab which left me snickering and simultaneously standing up to stretch. As evidenced in part one of addiction vs. agency in media management, I'm not the type to be consumed by disordered terminology, symptoms and panic statistics flinging about... If I were, I might have seen it as a dire familial sign or … [Read more...]