June 15, 2010 Forget the fact that my freshman daughter is friends with JV football guys… ...Or that digital reputations flinging about on social media (FB, Formspring, etc) warn of male ‘players’ and females being ‘played’ with reckless, feckless inaccuracy bordering on slanderous distortion (this seems to mirror many school’s virtual stage, reflecting more performance art … [Read more...]
Predatory Practices as Sport? Boys to Men & Swaggerfests
Filed Under: Damaging Drek, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity, Vapid Values Tagged With: adolescence, American Dad, athletes, boy toys, boys to men, draft picks, Elin Waldal, Family Guy, Fantasy Football, Gavin Heaton, Gender, George Huguely V, Good Old Boys, high school boys, Inspire Foundation, Jackson Katz, Landon, Landon School, macho, males, manhood, masculinity, Maureen Dowd, My Daddy Taught Me, Packaging-Boyhood, perfect gift for a man, Predatory game, prep school, rape, RESPECT, Seth MacFarlane, sexploits, sexual assault, survivors, swaggerfest, teen bad boys, teen boys lie about sex, teen dating violence, The Good Men Project, The Macho Paradox, Their Dangerous Swagger, Tom Matlack, Tornado Warning, Tough Guise, turning boys into monsters, TV portrayal of dads, wrestling with manhood, Yeardley Love, You are not his property