New Media, The “Youth Vote” And Generation “We”

The "audacity of hope"...It's a powerful potion for all ages, not just Generation "WE." I wrote about "marketing hope" awhile back on this post Inconvenient Truth Meets Digital Earth and am in a bit of deja vu, balancing equal parts challenge and roll up the sleeves pragmatics... I wonder what category I ended up in via Facebook’s “largest online rally in … [Read more...]

GovTweets: A Snapshot of Election Dialogue

Not that a ton of teens are tweeting on Twitter just yet, but if helpful hacks like GovTweets take hold, the PoliSci exam cram kids will be au courant in a micro-second with these little info capsules! Created by Canadian political analyst Stephen Taylor, it’s a cool ‘day in the life’ of media mindshare in our ongoing Age of Conversation. He's made it so … [Read more...]