As one who is always looking for an easy ‘twofer’ (whether it’s a sunscreen that moisturizes, an inside-out raincoat, or a trick or treating door-knock to recycle unused toys) I started pondering the various green Halloween campaigns I’ve been involved with on Eco Child's Play and beyond, to see if they qualify as “reverse trick or treating.” There’s a fine line here…There’s … [Read more...]
Reverse Trick or Treating? Isn’t That, Um, Marketing?
Filed Under: Branding & Consumerism, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Shaping Youth Tagged With: candy, cause marketing, causes, cellphones, characters, children, costumes, do not mail, door to door, doorbell ringing, Eco-Childs-Play, elections, Environment, fair trade chocoloates, Forest Ethics, Green Halloween, green teen, Halloween, Kids, kids causes, lenscrafters, lions club, Obama, petitions, precycling, recycling, reverse trick or treating, sales calls, shilling, Sight-Night, sightnight, solicitation, Sustainability, teens, Trick or treat, trick or treating for good, trick-or-treating, tweens, twofer, unicef, vegan Halloween