Oct. 9, 2009 Once upon a time in my former life as a creative director and copywriter, I was asked to create a compelling headline for a learning simulation where young Stanford law students could practice on an interactive CD leading them down different paths of evidence and ‘what ifs’ rather than risk oopsie moments with humans. This was long before the days of snazzy … [Read more...]
Virtual Reality Meets Health2.0 For Kids Wellness & Therapy
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Nutrition & Wellness, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Belinda Lange, children, creative technologies, disorders, education, Exposure therapy, Gaming For Health, healing, health, Health 2.0, intervention, Isis, Kids, learning, mental health, mobile, pain distraction, post traumatic stress, psychoanalysis, psychology, PTSD, rape crisis, recovery, rehabilitation, scent machines, sex ed, SexInfo, SexTech, simulations, STD-prevention, stress, teens, therapeutic benefit, therapy, train the trainer, training sims, trauma, USC, USC Institute for Creative Technologies, video games, violence, Virtual Afghanistan, Virtual Iraq, virtual patients, Virtual Reality, Virtual-Worlds, VRT, war, youth, youth relevant, YPulse