Update March 8, 2019, Int’l Women’s Day
(Previous update: 2015 Mother’s Day:)
Found this flashback of a post written half a dozen years ago, when I was new to Twitter and seeking out like-minded souls trying to change the channel of influence with media and marketing…particularly pertaining to girls.
Since then, we’ve seen massive traction with social media stances calling out cruddy cues and demanding positive framing to ‘fix’ some of the public health damage landing on wee ones limiting girls’ scope and polluting their psyches, from body image, brain plasticity stereotypes and early sexualization upending kids’ self-worth to gendered fluff-n-stuff in the toy aisle, pop culture zeitgeist and educational sphere creating a STEM-shunning domino effect with profound repercussions…But with voice and vision comes revamping and reclaiming…Just look at some of the positive progress from recent social media shoutouts using Twitter hashtags just this week to get a glimpse of the ‘wow’ in the now.
The Representation Project built a beautiful tribute to Mother’s Day using #BuildConfidence all about the importance of role models, internal compasses, and inner beauty to guide each other with fem forward fabulousness and self-worth. #IncludeTheGirls takes on the missing merchandising of girls and women in the superhero sphere and frankly, in multiple media arenas from preK kids’ shows to blockbuster films.
And in the positive picks section of Shaping Youth and these two videos I just produced to show PROGRESS in gender depiction (Pt 1 and Pt 2) you’ll receive miles of smiles this Mother’s Day and want to GIVE THANKS to individual voices and indie companies changing the tenor to inspiration and smart sensation instead of sexualization and beautification!
Mother or not, this Mother’s Day is all about care providing for the next generation…to raise healthy, happy, humans with heart. THANK YOU to moms out there championing change…THANK YOU dads, peers, colleagues, brands, and companies striving to raise the bar and elevate the conversation. Here’s the prior list from long ago…feel free to add yourself if your primary focus involves leadership and dedication to inspiring girls.
Please Add Yourself!
Original post: Nov. 6, 2009 As a ‘newbie’ on Twitter I’m still getting used to the overwhelm of ‘tweets’ and managing yet another media platform that proves useful for ‘real time’ updates and flow of information in au courant, friendly links that inform (and often inspire!)
Every Friday on Twitter there’s a “Follow Friday” ritual (in fact it even has its own #FF website now!) where people share favorite finds, or group topics and shared interests into sort of a 140 character version of Amazon’s famous ‘If you like this, you might like that’ referral base…
Essentially, it’s a way of introducing communities to one another so we cross-pollinate like busy bees, flitting and twitting about, landing links and info to flower and bloom with nourishment from like-minded buds who find such tidbits an essential part of their food chain…
So today, I’m listing a whole freakin’ rose bush of sometimes thorny, sometimes soft, critical thinking ‘pink’ analysts in the girl sphere who inspire, advocate, and uplift girls to ensure narrowcast limitations and ambient media cues don’t foul up fresh thinking and youthful possibility for our future generations…
‘Lists’ may quickly morph “Follow Friday” (#FF) into irrelevance, or refine it to a ‘onesie or twosie’ personal pick, which is a-ok fine by me…
But for now, I don’t have time to start a ‘list’ just yet, though this indeed has the makings of one. (it’s like going into a grocery store for that ‘one item’ and coming out with a basket, couldn’t help myself–there’s a bounty of smart minds to learn from out there!) Meanwhile, I thought I’d try to round up a few ‘regulars’ in the ‘girl sphere’ to track some of those in MY inbox alone.
So here goes…a Follow Friday mini-roundup of those dedicated to championing change in stereotypes and media’s narrowcast roles for girls, as well as build healthier souls inside and out.
Girl Advocates:A Dream Team of “Women2Follow” on Twitter
(no particular order)
For ‘Follow Friday’ Add Yourself to This Team Dedicated to Inspiring Girls!
@girlsleadership @GlobalGirlMedia @MediaGirlsOrg SparkSummit @ShesTheFirst @DayOfTheGirl @AmightyGirl @gimmemotalk @WomenYSK @smrtgrls @PFZinc @WeCatapult @NewMoonGirls @nancy_newmoon @LynMikel @hghw @inside_beauty @Women’sMediaCenter @GirlUp @RachelJSimmons @RosalindWiseman @girls_inc @Latinitas @JessWeiner @ShapingYouth @DrRobyn @DrCarla @ChicaCircle @GOTRI @girlsincnyc @GirlsRockHouse @traceesioux @JulesyParker @DrJenn @lizjmeyer @emilybartek @ShelbyKnox @AmazingWomen @girlscantwhat @TheRespectInst @PinkStinkUK @MsTwixt @Gis4Girl @GirlMogul @SheHeroes @GirlWorldDaily @iTwixie @GirlsInc @jennpozner @girlsleadership @juliavtaylor @llangit @RevoltRealWomen @JuliaBarry @clairemysko @RespectRx @GreenGirlsG @GEMSGIRLS @JaneNation @Shathi @andrea_owen @igirlpower @tandrusiak @iamthatgirl @teendoc @pigtailpals @smgrimes @ileducprof @TheGirlEffect @Betty_Makoni @Annie_Fox @kidlutions @drjohnduffy @TweenParent @DrJenShewmaker @jilldawsonmusic @TeenVoices @MegsinMaine @drdrrose @VAWnet @marjieknudsen @SchoolGirlsLead @GirlEmpowerment@andrea_owen@feministcupcake @FreshwaterHaven @womenontheverge @GWLN @WomenTalkSports @CoachnancyP @baatenosh @whattamisaid @lpgordon @KooDooZ @cbanks11 @ReelGrrls @IAmAGirlDoco @pitchforthecure @shannonrosa @letterstomybody @DorothyHill @lisa_ray @truechild @commercialfree @AWayThrough @theteendoc @RealDealGirls @BeaconStMoms @BodiMojo @illusionists @nandellheim @empowher @margotmagowan @PinkLockerMom@DeborahReber @sueblaney @DrDrRose @OwningPink @datingviolence @SuzannaNarducci @micheleborba @CatiCares @KissesFromDolce @DrRoniCS @josiefraser @AllyKatzz @feministing @Roominate @JacquelineGreen @endfattalk @kathleenhassan @DrSportPsych @AAUW @DonnaAntoniadis @sheconomy @TheWomensFndtn @LisaCoxPresents @Lottie_Dolls @SueScheff@DowntownWoman@darachadwick @christytj @Media_Lad @MediaChoices @GlobalWomLead @yahuiwa @sisterhearts @girlfriendology @TheFamilyCoach @WomenCount @BreaktheCycleDV @TheNextWomen @shesgeeky @GirlsCircle @Fitarella @shannoncutts @VoiceinRecovery@twistedbarbie @kaneishnorthern @TuckerCenter @KTSTitleIX @kbster @mygiftedgirl @empowher @LADYDAY93 @GeekGirlCamp @clarinette02 @MomLounge @CBIF @thewip @wiredmoms @lalepin @GlobalFundWomen @WomenWhoTech @teacherileana @GirlsLeadNow @Dare2BDigital @Panopy @UberMags @ChristineArylo @CherishAllWomen @chloepink @girlswritenow @sheismeprogram @veronicaeye @redclayscholar @fabdogooder @YWCHAC @STEMinist @KelsieMorales @MelindaRunkle @selfesteem @erinweed @girlsfightback @GirlFriendCeleb @GirlsGetReal @DesireToInspire @NCYW @TheLineCampaign @NWLC @blackgirlproj @GlamourGoneGood @InspiredGirls @SafeCosmetics @Women4Earth @7Wonderlicious @SpotLightnGirls @GenderReport @cdarya @pia_adiosbarbie @MelTankardReist @PeggyOrenstein @Sharon_Haywood @RoleReboot @MySistahs @140women @WomensMediaCntr @TakeBackBeauty @PFZinc @AdiosBarbie @drjenonline @melsil @RepresentPledge @jamiaw @SophiasBigIdeas @Sage_Emily @SchoolGirlsLead @EvesCircle @DeniseRestauri @brenda_chapman @GirlhoodStudies @IAmElementalToy @GoGoSportsGirls @goldieblox @BraveGirlsWant @TheRepProject @LTAMedia @HowWomenLead YOU!? Who should be on here?! (feel like some of these may be duplicates? anyone know how to alphabetize a list of twitter links for ease of reading?)
…HUGE shoutout to the Powered By Girl contingent of diehard gal pals @SparkSummit (who are Sparkin’ a Movement: see SparkSummit.com
I haven’t listed an ‘inspiring moms’ roundup yet, who has a list goin’ already?
Wanna add yourself to this?
Consider yourself an advocate for girls?
Leave your Twitter handle in the comment below…
(Apologies if I left you out inadvertently…This is a quick cut-n-paste/partial list of some of our regular tweeters on ‘Follow Friday’ with parenting advocacy for raising healthy girls…it’s just a ‘starter’ list from my own inbox so by no means complete!)
Mind you, Gabe at the amazing site KidsAreHeroes.com may find this amusing, since he’s one of my favorite ‘go to guys’ for learning to navigate as a newbie in the Twittersphere. A ‘post’ about Follow Friday to have one link to land in the ‘stream?’ Is this even doable?
Beats me…Gabe helps newbies like me with policy, pragmatics, and pats on the head when I worry about stepping on toes and stumbling over myself in an effort to impart information widely. (pardon my doggie analogy, but he’s got two Bernese Mountain Dogs and his Lily girl is the Kids Are Heroes mascot of sorts…this is the power of community online; you feel bonded by mission, commonality, and friendship)
He readily explains in his Twitter for Beginners posts (which began as sharing his own personal tidbits of support and turned into a helpful and well-read AskGabe series) that many are having ‘overwhelm’ when Fridays roll around since the notion of participating meaningfully can lead to some ditching it altogether…others focusing on one core person per week, or a limit of 3…it’s all a ‘make your own rules’ sort of climate.
Here’s an example of insightful tips and great dialog in his post, “What’s Happening to Follow Friday?”) It really helped me wrap my head around the ‘whys and hows’ quite nicely. (btw, Gabe is @KidsAreHeroes)
So in short, I don’t know if this is maverick or not to go ‘off platform’ and switch gears to turn a post into a giant #FF but as regular readers know, I’m not one for decorum, I tend to just ‘wing it’ and ‘bring it’…
So if this post is helpful having a load of ‘girlpower’ in one spot, then enjoy reading the threads from this powerhouse starter pack of ‘tweeple’ …And if it’s not? Meh, another post tomorrow. Right? You know how prolific I am when I have something to share!
Stay tuned…and remember to add your own femme finds in the comment section below to add to the ‘list’ in the making…(guys groupings are next, so start gathering your male mentors, dad bloggers, and ‘Packaging Boyhood’ pros to send links my way!)
Update 2-19-2010: Now adding an important new section to champion change in ending violence against women globally, starting this list with the powerful @PixelProject recommendations this Follow Friday! They are using 21st century social media clout to raise awareness (& a million bucks!) during this recessionary downturn when times are tight…
Their work is so inspiring, and the acknowledgment of the economic times and turbulence often tied to less than ideal circumstances for women particularly makes this all the more compelling to FOLLOW THEIR LISTS of leaders championing change.
Ending Violence Against Women (#VAW)
Adding to and adapting from the fabulous leadership @PixelProject:#FF @OneLoveFoundation @LoveisRespect @StartStrong @EndingViolence @MenCanStopRape @Circleof6app @Half @MenEndViolence @ElinWaldal @violatorstop @RLPShelterFdn @RevoltRealWomen @GlobalFundWomen @RosaForWomen @Asohan @staronline @womens_aid @CRASAC @scotwomensaid @MonsoonIOWA @MenCanStopRape @preventviolence @JLM_FGM @CALCASA @NYSCASA @unicef @UNIFEM @SinbySilence @taasa @NAADV @womensaid @el_karama @endDV @SafeWorld4Women @BreaktheCycleDV @MADECoalition @StepUp @SayNO_UNiTE @WhiteRibbon @ResponsibleMen @NCADV @abusesurvivors @NickKristof @barcc @bell_bajao @amnestyOz @amnestyUK @AaronCohen777 @Loveyou1st @CalVCP @SurvivorSpeaks @LoganLevkoff @Betty_Makoni @MCRisley @a_thin_line @thelinecampaign
Who else is doing excellent work here?
Let’s add ’em! –Amy
Visual Credits: Lead Graphic from GirlMogul.com (featured on S.Y. here) Pink Ribbon empowerment via New Balance breast/benefit)
Hi Amy,
) You see, we now have THREE Bernese Mountain Dogs, not two! (Don’t ask how that happened.)
Thanks for writing such nice things about me. I do want to clear up a major error in your post, though.(
Pablo is sitting on my chest, Lily is in the middle and Charlie is at my feet. Wanted to make sure your readers got all the facts.
I believe I have spoken about this method of doing #followfridays and I do like it as opposed to the alternative. And the people you recommend will appreciate that you actually linked to them instead of just mentioning.
It’s fabulous that the advocate community is so rich, but I have to admit, it’s overwhelming looking at this list! Last week, I started making Twitter Lists, and I’ve been plugging away at this all week with no end in sight.
Deep breath. Okay, I’m not even trying to finish quickly. These lists, once begun, can grow over time. Fortunately, it’s also possible to follow other people’s lists. For example, I’m following @rjleaman/nonprofit-technology, and I’m looking forward to following a Women2Follow Twitter List (when someone else makes it!)
I wonder when comment signatures will give you a Twitter Address option?
.-= Sandra Foyt´s last blog ..Flaming Arrows On The Wild Side =-.
This is awesome! I would love to be added to this inspiring group
twitter: @Fitarella
.-= Fitarella´s last blog ..Addiction =-.
@Fitarella: Done deal. Just checked out your site, pleasure to add you and inspired to get my keister off the keyboard and go run MY dogs.
Gabe: THREE Bernese? You are my hero, and I’m not a “kid”!! I knew Lily was the Kids Are Heroes hound and that Charlie did work with seniors but didn’t know it was for Wags for Hope! That is sooooooooo cool! (he needs more ‘press on your site!’ heh. Equal time! Or maybe a Twitter handle…heck I’d tweet his escapades and spread some hope!)
BMD are one of my favorite all time breeds, as I used to volunteer at our local shelter for 9 years (pre-daughter) and was in charge of walking all of the gentle giants that no one else wanted to ‘handle’ (Bernese, Newfies, Rotts, Danes, Mastiffs, Pits, etc.)
—Right now I’ve got two scrappy-do style shelter mutts in dire need of some gentleness as they’re tearing apart the house by forming a bit of a ‘pack’ rough-housing, but they’re just babies (7 mos/6mos.) & were both sick when I got ’em and have come back full force, and full tilt, so wish I had your BMD to ‘train’ them how to be more gentle. heh.
(Two-legged trainer comin’ to help soon too! Next wk. hopefully…as they put me over the edge by finding ‘fabric paint’ from my daughter’s volleyball spirit banner and proceeding to dye our carpet with black spots, dalmation style. AAAAAAAAAAAAACK!) Pergo laminate ho! (wanted new flooring anyway, right? ahem. Underestimated their ability to jump high to filch it and be ornery in my absence; shoulda/ coulda enclosed them in the garage, but thought the 4mile bike ride would ‘have ’em sleeping.’ Live and learn, eh?
Now…Sandra…You are exactly tapping into my ‘tmi’ angst which is why I’ve simply been mining other people’s lists!
That said, I’ve learned from Gabe and am slowly trying to get my ‘media mgmt’ into munchable nuggets. (Yep, you’re goin’ on the edubloggers/lifelong learners list!) That said, I’ll ask point blank if anyone knows how to ‘blend’ lists started elsewhere…For example, if I mine a small, tightly focused list of ‘tweeps’ that I count on for cool stuff in learning/education, can I also ‘add to it’ with my own picks so that it ‘builds?’ (kinda like I’m doing here, for new discoveries? @Fitarella for example has some solid work with body image/teen confidence/’to each his own’ concepts which I’d never have known about otherwise)
I’m with you, Sandra, I don’t want to end up like the Little Red Hen hunting and pecking and doing scads of work on ‘lists’ with a bunch of other ‘not I said the fox, not I said the mouse’ lack of help.
So ‘blending/merging’ with (as Chris Brogan says) “Trust Agents” makes the most sense to me!
I also want to narrowcast a ‘core’ for key contacts and self-edit to maybe a dozen in each cat for readability on the ‘daily doings’ but don’t wanna end up w/’lists upon lists’ so am still wrapping my head around that one. I know when my Google Reader started to groan I began to ‘abandon’ it and my email has buried some impt. stuff (including an invite to comment on a piece from CNN, dangit!) so I DO need to get a grip. (or an intern in social media optimization!)
Lemme know how yours comes along as we tend to like similar stuff…which reminds me…The flaming arrows post has me cracking up thinking about those ‘Robin Hoods’ of yours. Can just imagine the fall foliage fun. You make learning awesome.
Wanna adopt me? Oh, to be a kid again and learn in FUN experiential ways instead of rote! heh.
Have a great weekend…
Many thanks for the kind mention. Appreciate it and you and your work very much.
Best Wishes,
Hi Amy – Thanks for the mention for ChicaCircle.com as we do strive to inspire girls’ creativity in a safe environment. We love to follow your posts!
Keep up the good work.
I am the founder of Grad Girls Network, a nonprofit organization that shapes underpriviledged teen girls into confident and productive high school graduates. Would love to be added to your list
Done deal Kaneisha…just added you, and btw, have you partnered with Girls For A Change.org? You’d be a logical alliance with the high schoolers from all walks of life (and yes, underprivileged/at risk too) working on inspiring directions…
.-= Amy Jussel´s last blog ..Twitter “Women2Follow” Dedicated to Inspiring Girls! =-.
Hi Amy –
Thank you for including Pigtail Pals (@pigtailpals) in your incredible list. There are some great folks on the list doing incredible work for our children.
Pigtail Pals and I are proud to be working with you, and consider you an ally in reclaiming childhood for our sons and daughters.
Keep up the good work!
Melissa Wardy
When I first read your question “Should you be on this list?” My response was “Hell yeah!!” And then I looked closer and discovered I AM ON IT!!
You made my day. My work is all about service and how can I make a difference in the lives of girls. But it is easy to become overwhelmed and overloaded in this social media madness and sometimes wonder if my voice will be heard amidst all this noise.
There are days I turn inwards and say a silent prayer to be shown the way to be a light for others. And then there are days when we sometimes get a sign or a glimmer that we are on the right path…
That’s what your post did for me today… So a giant thank you and continued blessings in your work!!
Kathleen Hassan
Kathleen, your comment moved me with unmistakable joy, as I often feel the same way and need that resilience and nudge to ‘keep on keepin’ on’…so was thrilled to see you HEAR it, and KNOW you’re not ‘speaking in an echo chamber’ as I feel so often…(so hard to get the metronome to tick as fast as we want toward positive pursuits, eh?) Rock on…know there are many listening and thank YOU for the validation that social media is more than socializing…it can literally be the jet fuel we need to stay pumped on our missions over the long haul.
Very thankful this year for so many doing incredible work out there…Mahalo, Amy
What a wonderful list! I follow a good number of these amazing leaders. I’d love to be added @teacherileana. I also do work with @GEMSGIRLS with my high school course on feminism. I’ve started a blog to write about my teaching that focuses on diversity, inclusion, gender equity, LGBT youth, etc. http://feministteacher.wordpress.com
Great work!
.-= ileana Jimenez´s last blog ..Teachers Need Journeys to Innovation: Ones They Design, Ones They Enjoy =-.
Moms/Dads of tweens might be interested in our app “Secret Ada” for iPhone / iPod Touch, which introduces children (and adults) to inspiring women in science and technology. I tweet about this and other #womenintech #girlsintech and #scitech stuff via my @panopy account (please add to your list; thanks!). For more about Secret Ada: http://bit.ly/4sfmkc (iTunes link) and http://bit.ly/7VOK6D (web site link).
Secret Ada sounds VERY cool…I’ve added you, tweeted it, and DM’d you to see if we can start dialog for an interview on same. I have some STEM gal pals from GWLN.org & Women leaders for the World who would know doubt love to pay it forward too…Gonna check it out pronto. Tx for this! (been away all wkend so just seeing it now) Oblige, Amy
.-= Amy Jussel´s last blog ..Author Rosalind Wiseman Brings Youth Editors Into YA KidLit Process =-.
Hi, Good blog you have here. I wanted to let you all know that I think Twitter is going to be one of the better networks because of the fact that it is supported by so many industries. I also think when Twitter introduces some of it’s new functions, returning traffic will increase to show the real growth of the network.
Anyway, I created a blog that offerers great resources for Twitter that are 100% free, so come and visit and don’t be a stranger.
Keep up the great work!
Hey, Amy,
I would love to be added to your list. I’m @girlsgetreal. I am currently focusing most of my time around my work helping college girls develop self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence as a way to get ahead and be better prepared for college and the real world. However, I am thrilled to share my message of the power of personal truth and authenticity with any girl of any age who wants to listen! You may also want to add @desiretoinspire to your list. This is the twitter name for Girl Talk Inc.
Thanks for what you are doing!
Done deal! Thanks for the heads up on such dynamic (& worthy!) pursuits
We produce a series of philosophy books for kids, featuring an intrepid kid-narrator who happens to be a girl!
Amy,I LOVE the concept of @SophiasBigIdeas…I’ve thought of doing a ‘philosophers quiz’ (one of those “who are you most like” games/apps on Facebook to embed informal learning via viral fun) Take it and run with it for your org or partner with me somehow…love what you’re up to; may need a separate feature on SY if I can get the bandwidth. Following you on Twitter now.