Positive Coaching Alliance Offers Media Tips & Life Lessons

Last week MSNBC editorialized on the essential factors of a classic sports movie: “Feature Underdog(s), Stick it to the Man, Make Men Cry, Provide Memorable Quotes, and Inspire Real Athletes.” Writer Bob Cook lists his favorite top ten films, and in scanning them I realized every single sports movie had a life lesson, feel-good premise, or positive message for kids! Since … [Read more...]

Meatrix Moviemakers Mouth Off in a Revolution for “Real Food!”

“The Mouths of the world are finally speaking out,” says the new Mouth Revolution viral film that launched from Free Range Studios yesterday. “They're fed up with the "garbage" we eat and they're demanding real food - organic food - now!” “As gateways to the human body, they're taking action and staging an international "Shut Up" until their … [Read more...]

Inconvenient Truth Meets Digital Earth: Marketing ‘Hope’

The New York Times’ Stuart Elliot wrote that “A Procession of Penguins” was arriving on the advertising scene, and referenced Shaping Youth’s article where we admonished pharmaceutical giant Roche for tredding on thin ice by using animated kiddie flicks to mine pocketbooks of parents to promote their flu elixir.Nothing against Happy Feet, just the penguin pill-pushing policy. … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Via Fatherhood: Joe Kelly on New Media, New Men

A couple days ago Anastasia at Ypulse posted a jarring ‘uh-oh’ article, “Dads rate lower than friends and grandma with teens” based on the latest Harris Interactive research on teens and materialism. She wrote, “Dads, we have a problem. For all the talk about how teens are closer to their parents (plural), it's still mom (and grandma and friends) that make teens feel happier … [Read more...]

MediaSnackers Podcast On Shaping Youth

Digital media shrinks the world in a nanosecond. Shaping Youth is doing a podcast with MediaSnackers from the U.K. Monday, and just today they sent me their debut vodcast of media morsels that fit tidily into my jam-packed slate with snack-sized digestibility. No belly belches here. I wish I’d produced this snappy blitz myself. As a parent, the last two clips sadden … [Read more...]