The F word: Does ‘Feminist’ Need Rebranding? Ask Teens

This week’s Salon broadsheet celebrates womens' history month with some media must-sees, including the 'f-word' video making the rounds that asks, “What do America Ferrera, Larry David, and Amy Brenneman have in common?” (btw, Salon's femme icon at left is holding a pen, not a cig) Produced by the Feminist Majority Foundation, the video debunks myths with … [Read more...]

Live Demo Saturday! Using The Age of Conversation for Social Good

Update: Digg It Now!!  Child advocates? Champions of change? Rev your social media engines. This Saturday, you can be a part of it all and see ‘how it’s done’ firsthand, as Age of Conversation co-authors (which I’ve written about here, here, and here) use social media tools to drive traffic to our link on Amazon converting eyeballs to book … [Read more...]

Bimbo Bait: Is Silence or Outrage the Solution for Digital Drek?

Early April Fool's joke? Tasteless ploy of a 23-year old web guy for publicity and profit perhaps? Just when you thought media influence on body image had reached the tipping point of toxicity, our pals at Beauty and the Breast (and parents, Feministing, mashable,and industry colleagues at Edelman Digital) are reporting in disgust on this new web game, Miss Bimbo making the … [Read more...]

Screen A Movie, Make A Difference: A Media Model for Mobilization

Just as “What are you doing?” sparked a social media revolution with the evolution of Twitter, “How can I make a difference?” has the potential to be answered swiftly with a brilliant media model from “Two Angry Moms.” Shaping Youth is proud to partner with documentary producer Amy Kalafa and Susan Rubin (seen here yesterday on the Rachael … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Features “All Girls Week:” A Gender Discussion

As we wrap up Women’s History Month this March, Shaping Youth kicks off a full week of “all things girl, asking the $10,000 question, have we gone forwards or backwards in shaping youth the last two decades? We'll start with the 'whorses' of the new Strutz line of toys targeting femme/Freud in the 4-8 demographic, (eesh) and segue to Packaging Girlhood in its … [Read more...]