Counter-marketing Junk Food With Rats & Tacos

Update 2013: Since Taco Bell is lowering the ethics bar to diss healthy veggies in favor of their chem cuisine in the latest Feb 3, 2013 Superbowl ad, I figured I'd drag out my 2007 counter-marketing with rats and tacos 'ewww' moments...Think it's unfair to counter-market with 'ewww' tactics? I'd say it's unfair to hammer high-risk, low-income kids 24/7 with this toxic crud, … [Read more...]

Joe Camel Meets Pink Think: Will the FDA rule?

“It strains the imagination that this is not aimed at anyone other than 15-, 16-, 17-year-old girls," said Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, in today’s fuming brouhaha over whether the FDA should regulate tobacco products. (note the NYTimes adjacent photo & pithy feature) Josephine Camel seems to be taking on sleek black leather stiletto heels and sexy hot pink glamorama … [Read more...]

Readergirlz: YA Books Become A New Media Experience

Dust off your book jackets, click some tunes and get ready to have some fun as one dimensional media turns into a multi-platform conversation! Launching March 1st, in time for National Women’s History Month, the new "readergirlz" web site bonds gal pals in “Sisterhood of the Travellin’ Pants"-style friendship, as YA books turn into a full blown digital … [Read more...]

Green Media & Electric Cars: New Energy Shaping Youth

Update Mar. 22, 2013: Just stepped into the future in a silent Tesla sedan that zoomed 0 to 60 in 3 seconds like a 007 James Bond stunt car, piloted by a neighbor pal of mine (who happens to be a pilot, go figure). I'm completely floored by the design, engineering, eco-efficiency...and er...custom 6-figure hot off the assembly line price tag. Fast Company just featured the … [Read more...]

Positive Coaching Alliance Offers Media Tips & Life Lessons

Last week MSNBC editorialized on the essential factors of a classic sports movie: “Feature Underdog(s), Stick it to the Man, Make Men Cry, Provide Memorable Quotes, and Inspire Real Athletes.” Writer Bob Cook lists his favorite top ten films, and in scanning them I realized every single sports movie had a life lesson, feel-good premise, or positive message for kids! Since … [Read more...]