Buffed Boy Body Image and Teen Scene ‘Hottie’ Factor

Teen pals a little testier than usual? Ever heard of ‘roid rage?’ Awhile back I wrote about body image issues offering “equal opportunity toxicity” as young boys have increased body dysmorphia, emulating buffed boy, ripped six-pack icons of video games and ‘hunks’ modeled and merchandised ad nauseum. Not getting alarmist, as we're still in single digit growth percentages, … [Read more...]

Manga Makeovers and Other Body Image Cartoon Capers (Part 2)

It’s devil’s advocate day here, as I try to flush out my bias and take a centrist point of view on the cartoon character facelift conundrum, exploring ‘then and now’ from a sociological perspective, with a bit more analysis from yesterday's post on my own marketing background in terms of branding overhauls. After all, Pooh Bear got a makeover. So did Mickey. Popeye. Charlie … [Read more...]

Girls Rock! Movie: Banding Together Across the Country

They’re baaaaack! Girls Rock! (the movie) is playing a reprise role in S.F. (this time at The Red Vic MovieHouse in the Haight, rock central in shades of Janis Joplin retro style!) Trailer here. When? June 1 & 2. Dang, why is it that everything always happens on the same dates? Girls Rock film producers Arne Johnson & Shane King will be on hand at the Red Vic … [Read more...]

Breaking the Color Code & Princess Power

One of my favorite ‘stereotypes in media’ moments is when I get to use my own background to instill critical thinking skills in teens.At the national Girls For A Change summitfor instance, I had the opportunity to break through race barriers and color codes of perceived expectations by starting off the session asking teens, “Okay, so who was I in high school?” to get the media … [Read more...]

Danica Patrick: A Racy Kids’ Role Model to Champion?

Feb. 17, 2013 Update: Yes, she's a great race car driver and she has "won the pole" topping her NASCAR career. No, I'm NOT changing my opinion from this prior post 2008 (after the jump)...as frankly, when I first read the news headline, "won the pole" my visual snapshot went to 'Go Daddy' and pole dancing, largely due to her OWN self-objectification and massively public … [Read more...]