Nov. 16, 2010 When I lobbed the “what do you read just for fun” query at some middle and high school kids recently, reactions ran the gamut from quizzical, “what do you mean by “for fun” to disturbing, “I don’t have TIME to read for fun" or "I have too much school work”…and yet their nose-in-the-text-screen antics tells another story by sheer observation. Kids are CONSTANTLY … [Read more...]
Is There A “Decline” In Kids Reading Or Is It Just Shifting Forms?
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Alfie Kohn, Alice, Alice for the ipad, Amy-Jussel, apps, AR, augmented reality, brain cell damage, children's literacy, Deathly Hallows, digital devices, e-books, ebooks, gaming, Harry Potter Alliance, I live in the future here's how it works, innovation, iPad, KFF, kids literacy, kids teens and reading fun, kids-media, Kindle, Nick Bilton, pleasure reading, reading, reading and writing, reading for pleasure, Reading is Fundamental, Room to Read, Sara-Grimes, Sara-M.-Grimes, Scholastic reading study 2010, smart phones, Storybird, The Hurried Child, Will Smith running and reading
WISE Women & Alice 3.0: Geek Chic for Girls (Part One)
Jan. 28, 2009 The She’s Geeky and Teens in Tech Conferences coming up this weekend have me thinking about all of the underrepresented DigiGirlz out there and the impact of media and marketing on both genders in terms of career paths and children’s choices. Just as Baryshnikov and the late great Nureyev evolved ‘boy ballerina’ perceptions and crashed through stereotypes of male … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Media Literacy, People Shaping Youth, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: 3D, Alice, Alice 3.0, Animation, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU, computer programming, computer science, digital girls, engineering, female, geek chic, girls, girls in tech, IT, Kids, pedagogy, Randy-Pausch, scientists, she geeks, She's geeky, smart girls, STEM, STEM programs for girls. DigiGirlz, teach programming, tech attrition, tech programming, techies, technology, teens in tech, The Alice Project, WISE, women in engineering