October 15, 2010 Last year on Blog Action Day more than 13,000 bloggers participated from 152 countries to shine the spotlight on climate change. Shaping Youth's post was all about inspiring kids as stewards of the planet with Cool the Earth and Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots school programs. This year, the topic is WATER, so I figured, ‘what a cinch, I can write about … [Read more...]
Blog Action Day: “What’s In It For Me?” Charity Water Meets AOC3
What I Learned From Maya Angelou’s Mark Twain Media Moment
May 28, 2014 Update Sadly, this time it is true. Dr. Maya Angelou has died at age 86. Original Post: Oct. 4 2009 "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" is a Mark Twain classic, which this Google research feed shows gets its own share of media morphs and revisions to suit the occasion. The hodgepodge of misinformation on that quote alone exemplifies and keenly … [Read more...]
Social Media ABC’s: An International Opportunity
June 23, 2009 Changeblogger and informal learning pro Jasmin Tragas, (also one of my fellow NextNow Collaboratory global gal pals and co-contributors to the Age of Conversation Gavin Heaton and Drew McClellan's collaborative social media project for Variety, the Children’s charity) has put together a stunningly simple alphabet slide show that's Sesame-Street-easy in imparting … [Read more...]