Stop Texting While Driving: Will People Learn To Steer Clear?

Feb. 4, 2015 Update! Tomorrow on Blog Talk Radio, impaired survivor of texting and driving Liz Marks shares her truth in a powerful show to get teens to LISTEN about putting down the phone. Lauren Galley of Girls Above Society hosts, with special guest and Shaping Youth ally Diana Graber of Important topic that impacts us all. I plan on tuning in with my teen and … [Read more...]

Will 2009 Uncover Price Fixing On the Backs of Texting Teens?

I don’t know about you, but this week's NYTimes article "What Carriers Aren't Eager to Tell You About Texting" written by local SJSU professor Randall Stross has me wanting to text him an emoticon smooch for his ‘lift and reveal’ article peeling back the Wizard of Oz curtain on mobile carrier costs, profit margins and taking advantage of youth habits to … [Read more...]