Grow your own greens, get kids to eat greens, get OUT in the green, turn people green, live green, teach green, plant trees to game green and even SEED green in virtual worlds, yep, I'd say the healthy kids movement is fully underway... My inbox today has the Healthy Kids Expo in Canada taking exhibitor apps, the Women's Fund hosting the kickoff of Bioneers by the Bay … [Read more...]
School Gardens Grow Healthier Kids: Seeding Green w/Richard Louv
Filed Under: EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Bioneers by the bay, compost, dirt, Dizzywood tree planting, Eco-Childs-Play, ecoliteracy, ecological schoolyards, ecosystem, get kids outside, Green for All, green fundraising, green gaming, green kids, green schools, green zebra, Green-Options, Green-Teens, grounds, grow your own greens, Growing Greener School Grounds Conference, health sciences, Healthy-Kids, Joseph Cornell, Kids Gardening, Last Child in the Woods, mother Earth, nature, Nature-Deficit-Disorder, NCLI, one world planet, organics, plants, Richard-Louv, seeding green, SF Green Schoolyard Alliance, SF Schools, SFGSA, shared eco resources, Sharing Nature with Children, Simran Sethi, sustainable living, teach green, trees, turn people green, tweens, Urban Sprouts, youth