Doodle 4 Google National Winner: Hope For A New Beginning

May 21, 2009 Earlier this spring I wrote about the history of the cool and everchanging logos on the Google homepage delighting us all…including my favorite salute to Seuss. Yesterday it was about Ida, the 47 million year old fossilized dinosaur...(though some at LiveScience are saying “Idaknow-about-this" ancestry-missing link bit…) Today it’s about resurgence, renewal and … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Teen Team Reflects On Disneynature EARTH Premiere

April 22, 2009 Talk about a ‘circle of life.’ Disneynature, the first film label to be released by Disney in 60 years, truly DOES represent a full rotation of EARTH, by going back to their studio roots of documenting extraordinary wonders rather than ‘imagineering’ them all themselves. Sounds as refreshingly authentic as a Susan Boyle discovery, with high profit potential … [Read more...]

Caring With Heart Earth Day, Everyday

April 20, 2009 As we enter into Earth Day (week? month? year?) we can either cynically report on the bandwagon marketing of the green scene with freebies, Earth Day cards (Gathering Home has a nice round-up) and other Earth Day tie-ins and giveaways, or we can embrace every effort from every corridor (corporation to kids) to help all ages begin to 'get it' and make small … [Read more...]

Congratulations to the 2009 Digital Media and Learning Winners!

April 15, 2009 No, it was not me. Remember this post about kids coping skills and resiliency? Same song, second verse. The MacArthur Foundation and HASTAC folks will announce 2009 winners tomorrow to the world, but here’s a sneak peek of who won which ironically, I had just stumbled upon yesterday and sent to my research associate Rebeca Montealegre Boyte who was outbound to … [Read more...]