Update: April 20, 2012 With Outlands SF tickets going on sale yesterday and Earth Day on Sunday, it's the perfect time to 'show and tell' why concerts are the perfect venue to teach stewardship of the planet. Think of all the waste...now do something about it. TerraCycle is a fave for the 'hard to recycle' stuff, especially in SCHOOLS and CONCERTS. Original post: August … [Read more...]
REVERB Rocks The Eco-Concert Scene: Green Teens?
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Product Placement, Shaping Youth Tagged With: 21st century concert experience, Advertising, aging, antitrust, audience engagement, Black Eyed peas, Bridge School Benefit, carbon offsets, child exploitation, Dave Welsh, Digital, DMB, eco, eco rideshare, ecorazzi, entertainment, environmental, fans, Fergie, green concerts, Green-Teens, Grey's Anatomy, growing older with concerts, guitarist, Hawaii, hipster, How to Save a Life, Isaac Slade, Live Nation, merchandising, merger, mobile, New Media Academies, OxFamAmerica, participatory texting, Peapod Foundation, PickupPal, power of big media, renewable energy, REVERB, reverbrock.org, rock concerts, Save the Music Foundation, SMS Text, social justice, Stonyfield Farm, sustainable economies, that was then this is now, The Fray, The Killers, Ticketmaster, VH1, youth, Zippo lighter app
Hope is On the Horizon When Movements Go Mainstream

April 25, 2009 I've used 'follow the money' as my rebel yell for 'why things are the way they are' and can usually sniff out the trail like a canine customs patrol. So it thrills me when the path leads to something positive, obvious, and fruitful, particularly when it's a movement gaining momentum that I embrace... Whether it's CCFC's Bay Area premiere of Consuming Kids, … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Ad Age, America the Beautiful, Change is Possible, Consuming kids, corporations, datamonitor, Disneynature Earth, do I need this?, e-waste, eco-friendly, environmental, green, green cleaners, green defies economic downturn, green IT, green movement, Green revolution, green schools, green works, Green-Teens, Huggies pure and natural, Kids, mainstream, mindfulness, MySpace/Our Planet, natural, Scott paper towels, seventh generation, show me the money, WalMart, worldchanging, youth