Nov. 3, 2009 Here's a marketing campaign kids LOVE (me too!) No secret I’m a huge Fido fan…Flash animation? Not so much. It often freezes my Firefox and fouls up the works more often than not on a business site but here in this 'oldie but goodie' ('06-'07ish?) this viral video making the rounds again proves to be pure gold. Give that ad agency a biscuit for its viral … [Read more...]
Flash Animation & Viral KidVid? Give Pause
Blog Action Day: Inspiring Kids As Stewards of the Planet

Oct. 15, 2009 Today is 'Blog Action Day' powered by, when over 12,000+ global writers turn their sites on one topic to reach millions of eyeballs one day to appeal to their own readership. This year the subject is 'climate change' and while I've written extensively about eco-kids, green gaming, and grassroots orgs like Cool the Earth tackling the issue, I needed … [Read more...]
A Bear Flash Animation Eco-Messages Kids Love!

Yep. Free Range Studios (once again!) produced this cute little animated critter tale. (Pretty soon I'm going to sound like I'm shilling for them!) I've already covered their Uncaged" pig-tale for California's Yes on 2...That said, support for the environment is NOT a partisan issue, and just like the NCLI eco-literacy act, this represents a bipartisan, national coalition for … [Read more...]
This Little Piggy Went to the Market: Free Range, Uncaged

I KNEW Free Range Studios HAD to be the animation movie team riffing on the tune ‘Superstition’ with dancing piggies and agribusiness villains to inspire voters to take action on industrial farm animal cruelty for HSUS. (playful video after the jump) For children, the animation in "Uncaged" is cute and clever enough to get the point across, (and for teens to … [Read more...]
Pop Culture on Parade: JibJab’s Hilarious Manic Media Montage
Jan.2, 2010 My head is still spinning (no, not from ‘The Hangover’ post)... My brain is simply trying to catch up with my eyeballs in this frenetic musical media montage which salutes the past year in PG-13ish ‘Where’s Waldo-style.’ Reminiscent of Dan Meth’s ‘Internet People’ viral video from awhile back (Dan has several new mashups beyond the stoic squirrel, spoofing … [Read more...]