March 1, 2010 Once upon a time, I spent 25+ years as a creative director at virtual agency: Copy/Concepts. Collaboration came very naturally to me, as we all divvied up our specialty areas and functioned as one global brain with seamlessness and ease. Now as a nonprofit? Not so much. The nonprofit world is new to me, with all kinds of new fiefdoms to learn, toes to step on … [Read more...]
CoLABoratory of Creativity: Program for the Future 2010
Filed Under: Counter-marketing, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, People Shaping Youth, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Claudia L'Amoreaux, Claudia Welss, Co-evolution, CoLABoratory, Collaboration 2010, collaborative learning, collective intelligence, collective knowledge, Digital, Doug Engelbart, Douglas C. Engelbart, eco, education, Eileen Clegg, firing up the global brain, Future Talk, futurists, Google wave, Hiroshi Ishii, Humanists, humanity, humanity ascending, IFTF, innovation, IO brush, Jim Schuyler, learning, learnlets, Mei Lin Fung, MIT Media Lab, NextNow Collaboratory, PFTF, Ph.D., PhD jokes, problem solving, Program for the Future, Sam Hahn, save the planet, sims, simulation, solutions, Tech Museum, technology, The Tech, Valerie Landau, Visual Insight, visualization tools, World resources, WRSC
Project Happiness: How Are YOU Faring?
Mar. 20, 2015 Update It's evidently #International Day of Happiness on Twitter which ironically takes up most of the 140 characters as a hashtag, so I'm reprising this post to give people some ideas about the latest Project Happiness challenge to launch 'circles of happiness' in sustainable ways. It's also apropos to reprise Media That Uplifts and Inspires: Positive Picks for … [Read more...]
Filed Under: EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: abby konopasky, Addiction Institute, Aragon High School, Asset Based Thinking, bouncing back, Brain Science, children, cognitive, coping skills, Denise Clark Pope, disappointment, emotional wellness, Feb 18 2010, happier kids, happy, Harvard study, healthy, Jim Schuyler, Kids, negative people, neuro, nurturing resiliency, parenting, parents, positivity, Project Happiness, PTSO, randy taran, reduce stress, resilience, role modeling, Science, Science of Happiness, Sky DL Foundation, Stephanie Brown, stress management, stress relief, Stressed Out Students, teens, Time magazine, Valentines Day, wellness, What makes Us happy