March 25, 2019 Mute. Block. Unfriend. Delete. Ghost. It’s fast, effective and final, but these one-click solutions that treat humans like devices are creating behaviors that are almost algorithmic in their ability to place value, assign patterns, and assess an ‘effort to yield’ ratio that determines whether someone rates a diss and dismiss based on level of contact and whether … [Read more...]
Using Media to Uplift and Inspire: When to Tune In, Not Out.
Dec. 20, 2011 True confessions, it’s been a heckuva challenging year, and it got me thinking about what different people do to bootstrap themselves out of adversity in its many forms whether it’s “first world” stress, third world crisis, health, home or holiday blues. I turned to our SY advisory board child development specialist, Dr. Robyn Silverman and pointed the ‘whatcha … [Read more...]
Survivor, The Lunch Table Edition: SEL to Prevent Bullying
Sept. 6, 2011 As school starts this week for the very few left that haven’t had summer short-circuited with August start dates, we’re continuing our focus on solutions-based media to ramp up Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and digital citizenship in an effort to not just squash ‘bullying’ but PREVENT it.Whether it’s an entirely new school experience or just curbing first … [Read more...]
Olympic Life Lessons: Go For Your Personal Gold
March 2, 2010 Do you miss the Olympics already? I know I do, as it’s one of the rare times I tune in to the tube regularly to witness the spectacle, the quests, the rivalries and glitches that define drama in life’s own reality TV show...I mean, really. You can’t get more ‘central casting’ than this… ...Wholesome looking athletes, intriguing back-story baggage, triumphant … [Read more...]
Project Happiness: How Are YOU Faring?
Mar. 20, 2015 Update It's evidently #International Day of Happiness on Twitter which ironically takes up most of the 140 characters as a hashtag, so I'm reprising this post to give people some ideas about the latest Project Happiness challenge to launch 'circles of happiness' in sustainable ways. It's also apropos to reprise Media That Uplifts and Inspires: Positive Picks for … [Read more...]