Feb. 6, 2009 Today I had the pleasure of speaking with global fellowship recipients in Stanford's Innovation Journalism Program (here's VentureBeat's audio of Director David Nordfors explaining the concept of innovation journalism). I tried to explain Shaping Youth's version of innovation learning and thankfully, had asked Scott Arpajian, co-founder of virtual world Dizzywood … [Read more...]
Beyond Tech Toys: Pico=A Playful Invention Company (Part Four)
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Amy-Jussel, Animoto, children, David Nordfors, Dizzywood, Do Something, Elf Island.com, Elf-Island, innovation, Innovation Journalism, innovation learning, learning, Lego Mindstorms, Lego Universe, Meil Lin Fung, MIT Media Lab, Naeem Zafar, PICO, PicoBoard, PicoCricket, Playful Invention Company, Scott Arpajian, Stanford-University, teaching, Tech toys, Teens Turning Green, Venture Beat, Web 2.0 entrepreneurs, Zoeys Room
DigiGirlz: Teen Girls Build Community, Online and Off (Part Three)
Jan. 30, 2009 I met Lynn Langit of Microsoft DigiGirlz last year at my first 'She’s Geeky' and saw her determined passion and creative desire to offer 13-19 year old girls exposure to technical career opportunities firsthand. So THIS year at She's Geeky Lynn and I sat together at lunch and yakked in nanosecond updates trying to cram in all that’s going on with both of our … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, People Shaping Youth, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Product Placement, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: Boku, CES, Crayon Physics, Daniel Brusilovsky, Destructoid, DigiGirlz, elearners, enviro, Fem2.0, geek, Girl Effect, girl geeks, girl revolution, girls, Girls Build, high tech camps, IT, Joystiq, Kaliya Hamlin, KODU, KoduClub, ld online, Lego Mindstorms, Logan Olson, Lynn Langit, Microsoft Digigirlz, MIT Media Lab, mobile phones and movies, Nancy-Gruver, New-Moon-Girl-Media, online communities, serious play, She's geeky, Shes Geeky 2009, ShesGeeky, Smart Girls Rock, smart karaoke, SongSmith, STEM, STEM programs for girls, tech, techno tools, teen girls, teens in tech, The Girl Effect, women, women and technology, Women Build, workplace, Xbox