Nov. 12, 2009 Long before the vampires and sparkling sagas of Twilight’s New Moon, New Moon Magazine delighted girls as a ‘go to guide’ for navigating adolescence and being themselves. After 16 years of print, New Moon Girls’ expanded online to add a richness and color to the digital dialog, creating an entire community of shared art, hopes, dreams and inspiration…launched … [Read more...]
Save New Moon Girls: Help Us, Help Them!
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth Tagged With: 8-12 year olds, activism, ad free, affiliate, All Things Girl, Amy-Jussel, artistic expression, digital dialog, girls, Hardy Girls Healthy Women, HGHW, In Her Image, Irked Magazine, Julia Barry, Luna, mobilization, Nancy-Gruver, New Moon, New-Moon-Girl-Media, online magazine, Orb 28, order New Moon Magazine, Rachel Simmons, safechat, Save New Moon, self-esteem, self-worth, smart girls, Subscription model, super girls, teen girls magazines, The Girl Revolution, tweens, UGC, Youth-Media, zine
New Moon Girl Media Officially Launches on Founder’s Birthday!

Bringing girls voices to the world, New Moon Girl Media’s online community vaults out of beta testing to be “born” on Founder Nancy Gruver’s birthday today! I’m getting ready to "launch" myself to pick up Nancy at the airport to stay with me here at mi casa before tomorrow’s Kids Online Unconference: Balancing Safety and Fun. So … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth Tagged With: 100% user generated content issue, All Things Girl, Amy-Jussel, arts and culture, body and feelings, Budget Travel, changing the world, digi girls, digital divas, female tech, feminism, femme, girl geeks, girl power, girls, girls magazines, Girls rising, hamster in a tiara, How to say it to girls, Jpeg magazine, Kids, Kids Online Unconference, Luna, Mind on the media, Nancy-Gruver, New Moon, New-Moon-Girl-Media,, Orb28, sister to sister, social networking, teens, tween girls, tweens, twists on traditional magazine models, UGC, user generated content, women, youth