Mar. 23, 2010 Today I was honored to be the guest speaker at SFSU Professor Betsy Blosser’s Media & Social Change class, and brought a gazillion examples of cool work being done in the digital sphere ranging from Beth Kanter’s social media fundraising for Cambodian orphans to our own collaborative global effort with The Age of Conversation co-authors to benefit Variety the … [Read more...]
“Bring Your Baby to Life With Your Wii Remote?”
Nov. 2, 2009 Not sure which part of this creeps me out more, the fact that 21st century baby dolls have a Wiimote crammed up the wazoo to ‘bring the baby to life’ as a Wii system accessory, the passive pink gender cues for girls and total absence of boys as video parenting poppas, or the product picture being a dead-ringer look alike of my own offspring at that age. Ewww all … [Read more...]
Grown Up Digital: Don Tapscott’s Latest On ‘Generation Net’
June 15, 2009 “A revolution doesn’t happen in society when you adopt new tools, a revolution in society happens when you adopt new behaviors.” That digital premise opens up the debate for the 21st century tug-o-war of perception between what Wikinomics author Don Tapscott of Grown Up Digital calls the ‘smartest generation’ and what his nemesis, Mark Bauerlein of Emery … [Read more...]