Supergirls Speak Out: Liz Funk on NBC Today, Tomorrow!

Feb. 9, 2009 In the ‘takes one to know one’ category, I have to throw my own overachiever support behind young SuperGirl Liz Funk who has spent the last couple years detailing the ‘pressure to be perfect’ among teenage girls. Shaping Youth is one of the ‘book tour stops’ for SuperGirls Speak Out, and I’d slated Liz closer to her debut March 3rd, but in typical ‘overachiever’ … [Read more...]

Kids’ Prime Time TV Health Cues Ingested, For Better or for Worse

Dec. 28, 2016 Adding this MediaShift article on using comedy to impart serious science/data/facts as well. With an incoming administration that has no 'use' for reality or facts, it's imperative that media literacy advocates serve strong doses of health, science and eco-literacy into the media stream to combat propaganda and political 'RealityTV' trash, aka "fake news."    … [Read more...]