Commodification of Kids: The Backlash Has Begun

April 16, 2010 About a year ago, TruthOut featured a poignant article called "Commodifying Kids, The Forgotten Crisis" by academic Henry A. Giroux, and though I read it with lots of head bobbing agreement on the tipping point of toxicity, I have to strongly DISagree with the "forgotten" notion. This issue is not the LEAST bit's on fire, baby and it's gaining … [Read more...]

Is There a Possibility the FCC Hasn’t Seen The Irony Here?

Dec. 6, 2009 Samuel Johnson once said, “Our aspirations are our possibilities.” I love the limitless empowerment in the short phrase, so when I heard there was going to be a new online DIY craft show called ‘The Possibility Shop’ with Jim Henson’s name attached, I thought perhaps there would be a “possibility” that media would be used to create a sort of eco-Etsy style … [Read more...]

Kids’ Prime Time TV Health Cues Ingested, For Better or for Worse

Dec. 28, 2016 Adding this MediaShift article on using comedy to impart serious science/data/facts as well. With an incoming administration that has no 'use' for reality or facts, it's imperative that media literacy advocates serve strong doses of health, science and eco-literacy into the media stream to combat propaganda and political 'RealityTV' trash, aka "fake news."    … [Read more...]

Youth Data Mining 101: Privacy Breaches, Opt-Outs, ToolBar Add-Ons

"Holy data-sucking, Batman!" (no, not one of the boy wonder's bat quotes...but it should be...) In this SkypeJournal article called Batman, the Surveillance Society and Moral Design, the mobile-phone powered surveillance state of the Dark Knight movie is not so far off from reality right this very second. SkypeJournal blogger Phil Wolff asks, "If industry has the power … [Read more...]

This Vacation is Brought to You By…(Part 2: Branding Partnerships)

Cruise news, trip tips, kids' brand loyalty pitches at cheerleading camps, sports and spa getaways... Who's sponsoring your 'fun?' Are you aware? Cruise lines are wisely using their own social networking connection as a conduit for repeat business and new referrals, so passengers can share their own experiences with others...Meanwhile, Carnival Cruise line just partnered … [Read more...]