October 16, 2010 The countdown to the SPARK Summit (Sexualization Protest: Action. Resistance. Knowledge) is in its final week, culminating in the NYC Summit Friday Oct 22, 2010 and the hits just keep on comin,’ as girls’ organizations and teens nationwide continue to register, and big name surprises pop into the media mix as if no one wants left out of the fun. Excitement is … [Read more...]
SPARK Ignites A Firestorm of Powerhouses: Geena Davis, & More
Teen Girls: Ready For A Rebel Yell? SPARK Change Now!
Sept. 7, 2010 Girls, are you tired of being wrapped up, marketed and sold like a slab of meat? Having the media tell the world what your priorities are? Sick of slimy innuendos aimed at toddlers, tweens, and your little sister? Hey, we’re not afraid to name names. Cough, cough… Sony's "Still A Virgin?" (we can remedy that) sophomoric slam positioning virginity as a … [Read more...]
Raising Authentic Girls: Rachel Simmons’ “Be You! The Real Girl Tour”
August 31, 2010 “Be you!” Riiiiight. In a media environment that cynically exploits how to act, what to wear, why to buy and who to be, girls are repeatedly told to "be themselves." GirlsHealth has a perky “Be healthy. Be happy. Be You. Be Beautiful” site. Girls Inc is “inspiring girls to be strong, smart and bold.” Jess Weiner is "Creating A Nation of Confident … [Read more...]
This Valentine’s Day, Fall Madly In Love With Yourself
Feb. 14, 2020 An entire decade has passed since I wrote this and the 'self love' movement has blossomed, reminding all that social media showboating of relationships is not intimacy, and "love thyself" is a pathway to clear hearts and minds to manage all the media machinations. Love that youth are "getting it" and inoculating themselves from the social staging … [Read more...]
Are We Making Matters Worse By All The Body Image Chatter?
Sept. 3, 2009 Lots of chatter on Twitter about yesterday's Jezebel piece and the WSJ article about dieting 4th graders. It leads off, "In 1986, 80% of fourth-grade girls were dieting. Wall Street Journal reporter Jeffrey Zaslow interviewed 100 of them back then, and recently followed up with a few, asking if they think things are getting better for girls. The verdict: It's … [Read more...]