Say What? Top Queries From Teens About Sex + Adult Responses Pt.2

Feb. 20, 2010 Remember the old adage ‘There’s no such thing as a stupid question?’ Wish I could say the same for some of these answers, muttered by adults groping for verbiage to handle tense talks about sex. It’s all in good fun though, as ISIS-Inc., host of the Sex::Tech Conference asked youth about their craziest comments (or best advice) received from an adult, to … [Read more...]

Teen Health Dialogues: Coming of Age in A Sex Saturated Culture

Feb. 21, 2015 Update! Speaking of teen health dialogues, here's more on Shaping Youth about 2014's (Youth Tech Health) Live event (sneak peak of 2015 sessions here) and a heads up/save the date notice for April 26, 2015 where they'll once again bring together bright minds and big solutions in important conversations surrounding youth and public health. This year I truly … [Read more...]

Sex::Tech 2010; Teens & Public Health Converge (Pt. 1 of 3)

Feb. 16, 2010 Ten days from now the mother of all sexual health conferences takes place again in San Francisco with the name Sex::Tech itself conjuring controversy, intrigue, and a bit of confusion. I’ve been sending people over to the Ypulse interview with Margaret Lucas from ISIS-Inc. (Internet Sexuality Information Services, the host org) for an FAQ primer…because it's … [Read more...]

Bottom Feeders Like American Apparel Need Whacked in the Assets

Feb. 9, 2010 Update: Almost 1000 signatures already & expanding global on ipetitions now! Join in! Orig article 2-2-10: "Confident about the junk in your trunk? Show us your assets! Post a photo of your booty's best side for judgment,” invites American Apparel in their latest sexist slop. Yep, they've launched their new ad campaign to “search for the best bottom in … [Read more...]