Twilight Teens, GirlChild Press & A Manifesta: Read, Kiddo, Read!

Whether you’re sucking up the plotlines with girls of all ages and stages as part of the Twilight saga book series or are completely unaware of Twilight author Stephenie Meyer as the up and coming J.K. Rowling phenom-in-the-making and need a “Twilight beginner’s guide” to sort out all the 'will she/won’t she' vampire innuendo... ...Chances are, … [Read more...]

Kids’ Prime Time TV Health Cues Ingested, For Better or for Worse

Dec. 28, 2016 Adding this MediaShift article on using comedy to impart serious science/data/facts as well. With an incoming administration that has no 'use' for reality or facts, it's imperative that media literacy advocates serve strong doses of health, science and eco-literacy into the media stream to combat propaganda and political 'RealityTV' trash, aka "fake news."    … [Read more...]