Dec. 3, 2009 Just visited the excellent Connect Safely forum to pose the industry question, is there ANYthing that digital moderators or online advocates could’ve done in the child safety realm to prevent the loss of 13-year old Hope Witsell due to the suicide/sexting case? Obviously, Hope's case (visual at left/MSNBC) was on mobile phones, but cyberbullying/bodysnarking and … [Read more...]
CyberBullying Tragedies and Internet Safety: eModeration Part3
Filed Under: Branding & Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Misogyny & Racism, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: Adinas-Deck, age violations, Anne Collier, banning, blocking, bullying, CEOP, Common Sense Media, Connect Safely, Crisp, Crisp Thinking, CSM, Cyber Tipline, Cyberbullying, digital media, digital multiculturalism, e-learning, eModeration, ethics, Exploited children, Facebook, Focus Dialogues, global digital citizens, Global Kids, Good-Play-Project, grooming, Hailey Hacks, Harvard, Hope Witsell, How to Bullyproof Yourself, Howard Rheingold, imposter profiles, internet filters, internet safety guide, IWF, Izzy-Neis, MacArthur-Foundation, media-literacy, Meeting of the Minds, MMORPGs, moderation, monitoring, netfamilynews, NetModerator, online behavior, online risks, peer tech support, predator panic,, safe chat, Safe, self-esteem, sexploitation, sexting, smart socializing, social networking, Tamara Littleton, teen suicide, texting, ThinkUKnow, tracking, Virtual-Worlds, Wired Safety
The MySpace Mom Skates, While The Teen Hangs? No Justice There!

Not to get all soapbox-ey, but since we’ve been talking about digital ethics and online immersive behavior a lot lately, I’ve gotta toss this one out there… Yesterday’s MediaPost update on the case of the jilted 13-year old MySpace teen (Megan Meier, at left) who hung herself due to a misguided mom masquerading as online beau Josh Evans (who never … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Damaging Drek, Emerging trends & STEM, Media Literacy, Shaping Youth, Vapid Values Tagged With: 1st Amendment, adults behaving badly, Childrens Television Act, Clint Eastwood, criminal, Cyberbullying, cyberlaw, democracy, Digital ethics, digital monopolies, Facebook-Beacon, FCC, First Amendment, free speech, FTC, hate crimes, internet abuse, Internet-Privacy, kids-media, Lori Drew, Megan Meier, MySpace, Nancy Willard, Simple Justice, teen suicide, Unforgiven, VoIP