May 13, 2009 Even big league marketers seem to be falling on tough times, as I just noticed Anastasia Goodstein has posted a “30% off” deal for the final weeks of registration for the 2009 Ypulse Youth Marketing Mashup June 1-2 in San Francisco.
It reminds me of my days at the ad agency working on high end cruise line accounts that didn’t want to devalue the brand with ‘discount’ wording but needed to fill berths with bods so the ship wouldn’t sail with too light of a load! My travel marketing days dealt with ‘inventory’ issues a lot, from airlines and hotels to cruise lines and other finite ‘hard stops’ on revenue generation.
After all, ‘some money is better than no money’ the client used to say, but we were in charge of protecting the brand, so we’d calculate elaborate methods and messaging to incorporate the BIS formula (‘backsides in seats/bodies in staterooms’) to break at a certain headcount.
Always dicey making sure we didn’t tick off the ‘regulars’ by offering last minute deals that are deeper than early bird incentives. Nothing worse than a full fare passenger sitting next to a discount Nellie comparing notes…they feel betrayed by the brand and usually bite back hard unless there’s good ‘reasoning.’ Often we used the ol’ ‘frequent guest incentive’ (aka the perks pass) which is always solid. That’s what Ypulse did too:
“Register today and use the code READER for 30% off the current price”—yep, don’t let the ship sail without you! A partial list of just some of the companies attending is after the jump…
NOW 30% off: Use READER as the code!!
As much as I’d hoped more of the pro-social community would join me for some meaty questions, I doubt if our tribe will pop their numbers much, because, well…frankly, nonprofits are strapped to the point that they can’t even afford a ‘second doughnut.’ (seriously, conversation overheard over coffee!)
That said, there are huge issues that need discussed, from tweens and moderation in virtual worlds to social communities and ad-free subscription models vs. marketing invasiveness altering the conversation…So I’d like to put in a plug for the ‘Tweens: Balancing Safety & Fun’ session which is very similar to the Kids Online session which I wrote about here previously.
“Instead of the Sunday evening unconference, we will be mashing that sort of content into a more condensed session Tuesday morning, June 2 at 9:55am”
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. sigh.
I will try to ping some of the core organizers who were eager to host the prequel, as I’d definitely like to pow-wow in depth, not just ‘mash it in’…
Subscriber models, safety, moderation and balancing fun without mining for eyeballs is a huge digital focus for many parents, so I hope we can get ‘critical mass’ to address this in a bigger way. As I mentioned before:
I’ve sporadically been a part of the Kids Online working group and admire the genuine resolve of Izzy Neis’ moderation and safety chats and Joi Podgorny’s efforts to form Wikis and podcasts for ‘best practices’ sharing info with those working in the “under 13″ digital space. (you can be a part of the useful list serve here and weigh in)
The prior Kids Online “Unconference” was rife with industry marketers, yet a welcome place to sound off on my views about what’s ‘not okay’ and ‘off limits’ in terms of the digital sphere going after ‘tween’ mindshare…
I really want a “roll up the sleeves” session to discuss the issues that matter most…so I hope we’ll be able to find others equally concerned to expand rather than contract this dialog.
I’m a bit of a thorn in the side of the issues being addressed, but feel these are all questions that need to be asked and voices that need to be heard.
What are your hot buttons?
What are some ‘thought provokers’?
Where should I focus analysis and watch worthy efforts?
I’ve heard from some of you…but FAR from all in the ‘regulars’ readership.
Meanwhile, to add some extra timely spice to the whole enchilada…
I’m interviewing Susan Linn from CCFC tonight…My Skype/Pamela recording was fouled up Monday, so send me questions to ask HER directly about any of the attendees, too!
I plan on asking Susan Linn more about the sexist Spongebob Squarebutts campaign, and CCFC’s 10,000 letters presented in a plea to pull the ad to no avail.
Favorite Dad Joe Kelly squares off with Burger King Global VP Mktg. Russ Klein in this Fox News debate (video below) and it’s heartening to me to hear the anchor herself cry foul on the objectification and body image front, saying that measuring girls butts is clearly NOT what the she wants her girls to measure themselves by!
I sure wish industry would get it together on their own and not make this a strong-armed adversarial regulatory clamp down, but ya know what?
If it needs to go down that way to detox the airwaves from this mind polluting body image crud landing on kids sideways, I’ll sign on in a heartbeat.
It puts anti-censorship orgs like ours in a difficult conundrum on brand perception but it’s clearly justifiable when hand-slaps and copious quantities of customer pleas for self-rein are given the ‘talk to the hand’ brush off of ‘anything goes’ marketing. NOT OKAY, BK.
In fact, BK might as well stand for ‘Bad Karma’ because I feel a backlash a brewin’…and the “booty is booty” meat market messaging should be grilled to a farethewell…
Shrivel and burn, BK. I think the anchorwoman on the Fox news piece is with us on this one too, Joe. (btw, great job)
Partial list of some of the companies/orgs attending Ypulse
June 1-2: 30% off: Code READER
ABC Family
Addicting Games
Barnes & Noble
Best Buy
Bodi Mojo
Boost Mobile
Buzz Marketing Group
C&R Research
Campbell Mithun
Campus Media Group
Disney Online
Flamingo International
interTrend Communications
LG Mobile
Los Angeles CO Dept of Public Health
Marin Institute
Mobile Behavior
Moxie Interactive
MTV Tr3s
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
The Intelligence Group
The N
Vergo Marketing
Wu Chess
Youth Marketing Connection
Zest Books
I should add that there’s bound to be attrition on June 1 locally from the nonprofit sector, as Craig’s List Foundation is hosting a freebie here at the World Affairs Council:
“Dear Amy,
Join us on Monday June 1 for our fourth “Power of Partnership” quarterly program series. Brought to you by Craigslist Foundation, The Foundation Center and CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, this free series showcases successful models of collaboration, with an emphasis on lessons learned, pitfalls to avoid, and networking. Refreshments will be provided.
Increased demand, declining donations – it’s an issue almost all nonprofits are facing. Local government, the biggest funder/partner of local nonprofits, schools and parks is also feeling the effects of our current financial situation. So where do we go from here?
Expect a dynamic conversation as we gather a panel of nonprofit and government practitioners who will look at the roles and nature of government-nonprofit relationships, the challenges and opportunities they provide, and tools and tips on how you can build and strengthen your partnerships with local government. Expect a dynamic conversation on the role of government, the importance of transparency when funding cuts are made, and the challenges and opportunities from both sides that result from a strong nonprofit-government partnerships.
More details:
Location: World Affairs Council 312 Sutter Street
Date/Time: Monday, June 1, 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Attendance: Venue capacity is 150, so RSVP now!
Cost: FREE to attendees
Program 5:30 – 6:00PM: Registration & Refreshments
6:00-7:30PM: A panel discussion on Making the Most of Partnering with Local Government featuring:
* Brian Cheu, Managing Director of Programs, MOCI, City and County of San Francisco
* Ed Everett, City Manager, Redwood City
* Steve Fields, Executive Director, Progress Foundation
* Sherilyn Adams, Executive Director, Larkin Street Youth Services
* Moderator: Jose Cisneros, Treasurer, City and County of San Francisco
7:30-8:30PM: Networking
Click here for more information and to RSVP
Hope to see you there!
And speaking of conferences…pretty bad when I can’t even afford to go to a ‘volunteer’ conference to get help!
Check it out and report back if you’re attending:
Well, crud. I hope this isn’t a ‘sign’ of prioritization…but I just got this update from the Kids Online crew which adds this shift in timetable from a May 31 prequel to an early morning squish-in.
See below:
“Instead of the Sunday evening unconference, we will be mashing that sort of content into a more condensed session Tuesday morning, June 2 at 9:55am
Tweens Online
* Best practices for working with tweens online
* Creating flexible, ethical practices for various age ranges
* Balancing interest and fun in your cyberspace playground
Denise Tayloe, President and CEO, Privo
If anyone planned on being in town on the Sunday evening before the conference and would like to get together, shoot Carol Altarescu a note; she is coordinating. Hope all is well in your worlds.