Shaping Youth Joins New Moon Girls Media As Affiliate Partner

Nov. 5, 2009 New Moon Girl Media had a massive makeover last year giving girls 8 and up a vibrant, social, supportive space to express themselves without being bombarded by pop up ads for diets, hoochie mama fashions and (pre)teen profiteering… I wrote about it extensively here and here and here (the latter being my favorite one, interviewing the girls themselves!) so let's … [Read more...]

Flash Animation & Viral KidVid? Give Pause

Nov. 3, 2009 Here's a marketing campaign kids LOVE (me too!) No secret I’m a huge Fido fan…Flash animation? Not so much. It often freezes my Firefox and fouls up the works more often than not on a business site but here in this 'oldie but goodie' ('06-'07ish?) this viral video making the rounds again proves to be pure gold. Give that ad agency a biscuit for its viral … [Read more...]

Media Morsels for Lil’ Goblins: Next to New BOOks as Treats!

Oct. 29, 2009 Every year I try to come up with ‘green Halloween goodies’ or attempt to find ‘healthier’ ideas that are not a snore or a bore... just to balance out the gobs of candy kids receive and seed the concept that other treats can be even cooler than standard fare. The trick is to go for the wide smile alternative and the ‘value-add’ as they say in marketing, because … [Read more...]

Why Fun Edu/Eco Activism Today For Int’l Climate Chg!

Oct. 24, 2009 Kids love "dress up" and DOING things, so today’s the day to blend the two into global fun to seed ‘one world’ thinking with 350.0rg early on, joining 181 countries for the most widespread day of environmental action in history! (CNN World coverage) Find a local event near you (ck out the global 350 map!) or create one yourself by snapping some 350 group … [Read more...]

Blog Action Day: Inspiring Kids As Stewards of the Planet

Oct. 15, 2009 Today is 'Blog Action Day' powered by, when over 12,000+ global writers turn their sites on one topic to reach millions of eyeballs one day to appeal to their own readership. This year the subject is 'climate change' and while I've written extensively about eco-kids, green gaming, and grassroots orgs like Cool the Earth tackling the issue, I needed … [Read more...]