July 26, 2015 Update: Adding Washington Parent's list: Nature Apps, Life Beyond the Screen and DailyTekk.com's iPhone app specific picks for enjoying the outdoors, plus Mother Nature Network's "7 Apps to Help You Get the Most Out of Nature" to Shaping Youth's links and positive picks below. Have more favorites? Lob them into the comments section, please! Nov. 8, 2014 Update How … [Read more...]
Media Netiquette + Some Great Nature Apps In A Totally Wired World
Circle of 6 Campus Safety App: What It is And What it Isn’t
Update: March 7, 2013 It's official! The President Signed VAWA! Feb. 28, 2013 Finally! The Violence Against Women Act has passed both the House and the Senate and is moving on for final signing by the President. To celebrate, you'll love this pop culture Taylor Swift style video send-up about the 22 who voted against VAWA. It's hilarious. Even though VAWA is no laughing … [Read more...]
Victim Blaming, “Asking For It” and Baiting Outrage-On the Radio
Sept. 2, 2016 Update Today's early release of Stanford student/campus rapist Brock Turner (3 months off an already lenient 6 month sentence) prompted this pithy video indictment by Elizabeth Plank on Vox which captures my "Friday feeling" quite well...incredulous and livid. The one in five stat echoing around college campuses everywhere as students start school this … [Read more...]
Ground Hog Day: Super Bowl Sexism Keeps Popping Up
Feb 2, 2013 It's Ground Hog Day and as reliable as Punxsutawney Phil, parents and pundits await to see what shadows will be cast on kids from the Super Bowl media hype blaring at surround sound decibel levels, even among those not remotely interested in 'the big game.' KJ Dell'Antonia, lead author of the NYTimes parenting blog the Motherlode does some hilarious pop culture … [Read more...]
Digital Detox, Blog Hiatus, and Fresh New Focus for 2013
Jan. 2013-Shaping Youth has taken a first ever, full month long blog hiatus until Feb. 1, 2013. You can follow our posts on Twitter in the interim while we unplug the blog to repower the system with fresh approaches to timely topics you care about concerning media and marketing's impact on kids. Media management and recapturing focus has been challenging for many of us in … [Read more...]