May 4-10, 2015 is Screen Free Week I'm being called for jury duty, so who knows where that lands...meanwhile, here's a links list below reprising resources to enjoy time out and about unplugged!Screen Free Week from May 5-11, 2014Every year I hear claims that in our "always on" culture, CCFC’s annual Screen Free Week has ‘jumped the shark’ in usefulness as digital dealings … [Read more...]
Look Up! Perfect Anthem for Screen Free Week
The Nature Principle: Experience the Earth Beyond Instagram
April 22, 2015 Update Recycling my resource roundup of eco-literacy quizzes on greenwashing, nature apps in a wired world, and games for good like TiltWorld that build on green media themes of kids' exploration and discovery (like TumbleLeaf to get kids outside) in order to add a very LOUD shout out to this poignant Richard Louv post about Hybrid Minds: (premise: The more high … [Read more...]
Media Netiquette + Some Great Nature Apps In A Totally Wired World
July 26, 2015 Update: Adding Washington Parent's list: Nature Apps, Life Beyond the Screen and's iPhone app specific picks for enjoying the outdoors, plus Mother Nature Network's "7 Apps to Help You Get the Most Out of Nature" to Shaping Youth's links and positive picks below. Have more favorites? Lob them into the comments section, please! Nov. 8, 2014 Update How … [Read more...]
Digital Detox, Blog Hiatus, and Fresh New Focus for 2013
Jan. 2013-Shaping Youth has taken a first ever, full month long blog hiatus until Feb. 1, 2013. You can follow our posts on Twitter in the interim while we unplug the blog to repower the system with fresh approaches to timely topics you care about concerning media and marketing's impact on kids. Media management and recapturing focus has been challenging for many of us in … [Read more...]
Time for a Digital Cleanse! Join Us For Screen Free Week April 30-May 6
April 12, 2012 Ommm...want to join me in turning off all glowing electronic devices to celebrate CCFC's Screen Free Week of insight April 30-May 6, 2012? It's a great chance to unplug...and reconnect. Much like the freebie candlelight yoga practice I stumbled upon last evening, it's a welcome surprise to experience the calm, centered, simplicity tuning into one’s internal … [Read more...]