Iger the Ignorant? Disney Chief Says Kids Don’t Care About Privacy?

July 24, 2009 Hey, kids, did you know the mouse house thinks it’s okay to mine your personal information and sell it to advertisers to make a buck off your back without your permission? Wonder what Maine legislators that just banned data mining of minors will say to that?  (h/t to Ypulse and Privo!) Reuters reports Disney CEO Robert Iger is bullish on direct web … [Read more...]

Childhood Matters Radio Show: Raising Strong, Healthy Girls Today

July 19, 2009 Here are some of the brand new resources or lesser known resources I named on the air today for those seeking SOLUTIONS rather than just identifying problems to get girls strong from the start and counter-act raising girls amidst "meat marketing"so pervasive today. TrueChild.org: Washington D.C. based advocacy org focusing specifically on these gender … [Read more...]

Raising Girls Amidst Meat Marketing: Carls Jr., Burger King Raunch

Jan. 27, 2015 Update:  It's achingly sad that I can reprise my own prose about "meat marketing" women with gobsmacking sexualization and objectification commodifying bodies as edible objects to be consumed, but alas Carl's Jr. is using the same stale crass-en masse trash for outrage baiting buzz in 2015 as they did five years ago.Guess they're consistent in their sexist tripe, … [Read more...]

Default: The Student Loan Documentary Needs Your Vote On Ideablob!

July 9, 2009 Update 7-13: 24 hrs. left for them to qualify this round, lend a hand if you can! "Default." Say what? It’s rare that I’d ‘advocate for default’ but in this case, it’s well-warranted, as it’s an important movie-in-the-making (trailer after the jump) by the same name! The DEFAULT movie is the passion project of two filmmakers (now friends) of mine that I met via … [Read more...]

Digital Data Mining 101: Echometrix Takes Kids’ Pulse

July 8, 2009 Still focused on "child predator" panic on the internet? I'd focus more on white collar stalkers like Echometrix, ubiquitous in far greater numbers, if I were you. Imagine digital tracking of every pop culture cue and kids' conversation in "real time" mode, self-described in their Echometrix blog as "opinion mining and sentiment analysis," to tap the "$190 billion … [Read more...]