USC Media Student Bryn Kressin & Packaging Boyhood Book Winners!

Jan.1, 2010 Happy New Year! This joyous photo of youthful exuberance is Bryn Kressin, at left; one of our Shaping Youth winners of yesterday’s Packaging Boyhood book drawing where we pulled names from those who commented or tweeted about our weekly posts about boys, manhood and media messages impacting the males we love. The other two winners were author/educator Dr. Liz … [Read more...]

Green Toys and Fun Finds With Big Kid Appeal: Ten Under $10 Pt. 2

Dec. 23, 2009 Shhhhhh...I'm snagging one of the new "Smencils" that just arrived today 'cause I figure 'less is more' and 'variety is the spice' when it comes to stocking stuffers...She doesn't need a whole 'set' right? A whiff here and there and she'll get the gist of the theme...100% recycled newspapers turned into a rainbow of scents and colors. I like finding inexpensive … [Read more...]

Reach and Teach Kids in Fun, Fresh Ways: Ten Under $10

Dec. 20, 2009 In my last post I went for ‘free media finds that are priceless year-round,’ today I’ll nudge it up a notch to prove you can gift meaning and mindfulness without spending a fortune (not even a Hamilton!) I attended the Peace and Social Justice crafts fair and barely made it past the Reach and Teach table and Free the Children’s Me to We booth finding tidbits to … [Read more...]

Free Media Finds That Are Priceless Year-Round

Dec. 16, 2009 Got gifts? Not sure when we jumped from “Black Friday/Cyber Monday” to bold-type headlines of “last minute gifts!”---but I’m still holding my own on the ‘haven’t stepped in a mall’ front… So today I’m going to add a few FREE ‘last minute finds’ that are literally and figuratively priceless. To up the ante and make it tougher, I’ll remove the physical … [Read more...]

CounterMarketing Consumption Cues: Think Geek Gifting Fun

Update: Dec. 21, 2014 Adding a few more fun finds of DIY holiday hack geekery to keep it simple, and am strongly considering ordering my first RaspberryPi credit card sized computer to inspire some collegiate builders...along with MIT's Scratch coding for kids.  (my original post on the new launch of and uses for making STEM kid-friendly fun is here)  Dec. 15, … [Read more...]