“About Face” Body Image Benefit: America the Beautiful Movie

May 15, 2009 He’s baaaaaaaaaack! ‘Tell it like it is’ director Darryl Roberts of America The Beautiful is wrapping his last personal appearance on his U.S. screening tour to benefit two worthy Bay Area orgs promoting positive body image: About-Face.org (love their "don't fall for the media circus" tagline) and Beyond Hunger ("freedom from the obsession with food and weight) … [Read more...]

Project Green Prom Update: Summer Rayne & Teens Turning Green

May 14, 2009 I feel like I dropped the ‘carbon offset’ ball with my trek to WildCare on Mother’s Day... I stopped by to see the Project Green Prom boutique and see how their ‘how to green your prom’ initiative was doing, and forgot to bring the gowns we’ve collected so far at the Greenv Sustainable Center! Never fear, EcoMom Alliance is here. Kirsten Bollen (eco-mom gal … [Read more...]

The Kindness of Strangers: Social Media’s Power to Help & Heal

May 11, 2009 Hungarian writer Robert Zend once said, “There are too many people, and too few human beings.” I’d normally agree, but I guess media is shifting my frame of reference a tad, as this is the second time in recent months I’ve been overwhelmed by social media’s unique ability to engage, inspire and come to the aid of a total stranger with empathy sans … [Read more...]

Where The Wild Things Are! Media, Mamas & More

May 9, 2009 My original title for this post was “Wild Babies & Squirrelly Mamas” but just imagining the trash that would find its way to my spam filter deterred!  This new headline gives me the opportunity for a ‘three-fer’ instead... 1.) A fall preview of the movie trailer adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s story “Where the Wild Things Are” directed by … [Read more...]

Mother’s Day Media Worth Forwarding to A Friend

May 8, 2009 These customizable video insertions are getting more sophisticated by the nanosecond! This one by Mom’s Rising is a favorite for me this year, harkening back to when I duped a massive amount of gullible friends with the ‘Amy’s thrown her hat in the ring’ Presidential prank during the '08 elections. Mom’s Rising has done a great job of making this video "go … [Read more...]