NPR: Do1Thing and Sell For A Cause Marketplace on Facebook

Mar. 11, 2009 Heads up on two youth-focused National Public Radio blurbs this week: First is the NPR Weekend Edition clip, 'What's For Sale? Check Facebook all about our ‘Sell for a Cause' launch at midnight tonight when Celebrities for a Cause kicks in on the Facebook Marketplace powered by Oodle…Want to help Shaping Youth make a difference in the world without opening your … [Read more...]

Serious Fun! Making Media to Study for SAT Exams

Mar. 9, 2009 I’ll admit I had my doubts. When Jack at MIT told all of us on the Classroom 2.0 hub that BrainyFlix was asking kids to make viral videos for pass around fun about SAT vocabulary words my first thought was reminiscent of Cosby’s comedy monologue with Noah and the Ark, “Riiiiiiight.” Even with cool prize payola (free iTunes download for every 5 referrals or … [Read more...]

Overachievers: Interview with Liz Funk Author of SuperGirls Speak Out!

Mar. 4, 2009 I'm berating myself for not having this interview 'go live' on Eastern time, where teen author Liz Funk (now 20) resides...I'm doing the best I can... ...ESPECIALLY since I got behind the eight ball due to delivering five hilarious "free-range teens" to their respective homes on a school night and didn't get the formatting done...So, alas, it's going live via … [Read more...]

Sell Oodles For Shaping Youth Via Facebook Marketplace

Mar. 3, 2009 Want to help Shaping Youth make a difference in the world without opening your wallet? Now you can ‘regift’ those holiday oopsies, gadget castoffs, kids’ outgrown toys and gear all with a quick click via Shaping Youth's Facebook Marketplace, powered by Oodle and launched today! Timing couldn’t be better, given the bleak economy and clamp down in donor … [Read more...]

A Salute to Seuss By Google: Read, Kids, Read

Mar. 2, 2009 When I saw today’s splendid nonsensical-Seussical-Google-doodle (say that three times fast) altering their home page again, I smiled realizing this guessing game has become a bit of a sport with me. Could it be a contest promo for their Doodle4Google kids’ illustrations I wrote about here? (after all, registration is coming up on St. Patty’s Day and doodles need … [Read more...]