Sugary Sodas Falter, Now Caffeine & Sodium Rule

Welcome to the kids' beverage blitz...swapping one health vice for another. Two new industry reports today show soda's rate of decline has tripled since last year. BUT (there's always a "but") the marketing machine has replaced the churn with energy jolts of caffeine, sports drinks of sodium and sugar, and ready-to-drink (RTD) teas and coffees. “Who wants to be seen … [Read more...]

Kids’ Toon Team Animates New Yorker Comics

Wow. Now even one-panel comics come alive through the digital web and mobile! While snooping around syndication services for Shaping Youth, we stumbled on these short, snappy bursts of content from RingTales who just launched a worldwide premiere of animated cartoons exclusively licensed from the New Yorker. Cartoons and humor are a youth media fave, so we’ve been … [Read more...]

Food For Thought: Media to Digest for Healthier Kids

March is National Nutrition Month, so Shaping Youth is adding to the ADA's Eat Right web resources with some fun and worthy positive picks in food media to share with your kids, boost their media literacy IQ, and counter-market the cartoon pitches for empty calorie crud. Here goes: I've always loved the SmartMouth interactive site for kids, but my new discovery is the U.K.'s … [Read more...]

Pink Princess Fairytale Flakes; Candy Bars For Breakfast

I’m not sure which tweaks me more, junk food glop dyed pink in stereotyped splendor, “berry” cereals that have nothing remotely resembling fruit, or confusing callouts, (vitamin-D, calcium, lightly sweetened) that make people believe this crud is actually consumable, as a ‘healthy’ start to your day. Leave it to General Mills to have all three apply in the newly launched … [Read more...]

Body Blitz: APA Study Shows Harm of Early Sexualization

Update Nov. 30, 2016 Researcher and social scientist Dr. Deborah Tolman (who was involved with this same APA Task Force in 2007) is seeking support for further research on the sexualization of young girls which as we know from the 'groper in chief' will NOT be a fundable priority nor a public health concern. Please tweet, support, and help fund this important work. Professor … [Read more...]