Brain Cake: Teen Girls Talk Tech & World Changing (Part Two)

Update Oct. 22, 2015 Reminder: BrainCake shifted to in 2011 with heavy hitting sponsorship as a project of Carnegie Science Center. CanTeen has some fun STEM career explorations, complete with games and DIY challenges to encourage science exploration, from invisible ink to OOBlek... Join @BrightGirlsCo @YellowScopeGirl @IamElemental Oct. 22, 2015 in a Twitter … [Read more...]

WISE Women & Alice 3.0: Geek Chic for Girls (Part One)

Jan. 28, 2009 The She’s Geeky and Teens in Tech Conferences coming up this weekend have me thinking about all of the underrepresented DigiGirlz out there and the impact of media and marketing on both genders in terms of career paths and children’s choices. Just as Baryshnikov and the late great Nureyev evolved ‘boy ballerina’ perceptions and crashed through stereotypes of male … [Read more...]

Techno-Leaders Converge at She’s Geeky Jan. 30-31, 2009!

Jan. 27, 2009 Albert Einstein said,“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” At She’s Geeky last year, I met women who can give that hope for humanity back, and they have the technological chops to do it. As I wrote about the UNconference before AND after She's Geeky last year, I was duly impressed by the exciting presence of so many … [Read more...]

Standby: Real Life Has Usurped My Digital World

Jan. 26, 2009: I’m feeling very “First lady-ish” right now, since Michelle Obama recently described herself as "first and foremost . . . Malia and Sasha's mom." Likewise, Shaping Youth begins at home, and I’d be full of hooey if I didn’t believe my digital persona should take a backseat to my real life responsibilities both personally and professionally. Once upon a time, … [Read more...]

Obamicons, Inaugural Media, Gizmos and Facebook Feeds

Jan. 19-20, 2009: Gotta hand it to the new media tech whizzes to leverage Shepard Fairey’s now famous poster art into a DIY freebie keepsake that’s a heckuvalotta fun. When I first spied the Obamicon look-alike on Joe Jaffe’s blog loooong ago, I shrugged it off, “meh, just digerati doin’ their thing with far more graphic firepower and skill sets than I have…” Then they … [Read more...]