Hand Up Congo: Send Your Old Cellphones, Honor Gregoire!

Children have a way of connecting with animals more than people sometimes, and it’s not often that I have an opportunity to help out both in one media-based nugget to unite the interconnectedness of all. Gregoire, known to many as the ‘star’ of the Animal Planet film, Jane Goodall’s Return to Gombe, and a National Geographic cover boy in 1995, was … [Read more...]

Using New Media to Help Kids Revive Their Cultural Heritage

Feliz Navidad! I know, I keep saying “mañana, mañana, amigos,” now that I'm back in the country. I’ll be writing only sporadically throughout the holiday season as kids need the gift of TIME and presence more than any wrappable item and I’d be blowing smoke if I didn’t walk the walk on the homefront. Be therefore advised that my … [Read more...]

The Great Escape: Shaping Youth Unplugged (Again)

The collective intelligence at the Program for the Future Conference may have fried my synapses, and short-circuited my braincells in overdrive... I had a full post ready to go saying 'I'm goin' out of the country for a jiff, back Tues.' but I couldn't find the dang thing, which is a sure sign I'm way too buried and need to 'escape' from the keyboard to get the heck out of … [Read more...]

Seven Sensational Blogs About Girls (All Things Girl Pt.2)

I’ve learned something about myself from running this All Things Girl series…As much as I love it, I miss being ‘in the moment’ sharing life in ‘real time’---I’m finding it really hard to stay ‘in theme’ when events are swirling around me with exciting new media to share! Whether it’s accompanying Anand and my … [Read more...]

Media Musts To Wrap Up “All Things Girl” Week (Part One)

To whittle down to a handful of ‘media musts’ for our grand finale of ‘All Things Girl’ week has been hard, so I’m going to try to shine the spotlight on some lesser known, deserving Offerings and invitations to be a part of some incredible communities taking steps toward the vision of self-actualization, hope, and promise for girls on a global … [Read more...]