What do ants and rubber tree plants have to do with syrupy HFCS ads and high hopes for the future of youth media mobilization? Stay with me after the jump to find out... Last week I wrote about my teen's incredulous response to the patronizing propaganda sugar-coating the airwaves about HFCS, high fructose corn syup… Then I followed up with the dietary … [Read more...]
Youth Riffs On HFCS Ads: Web 2.0 Satire Is Snowballing
The Power of a Pen, The Story of A Sign
“Sometimes all it takes is a stroke of a pen. A beautiful film by Alonso Alvarez Barreda.” This was the caption for the amazing video I received via Facebook from my NextNow collaboratory friend and founder Bill Daul...And in my overloaded chaos I might have missed it if he hadn’t added, “worth 5 minutes of your time, I promise. Trust … [Read more...]
How Can Such An Avid Blogger Miss Blog Day? Oops!
Aw, crud, it’s ‘Blog Day’ and I might have missed it! Like a Hallmark Holiday that shanghais the buyer into feeling like they’ve missed an occasion of importance, (Heads up! Grandparents’ Day is Sept. 7th this year folks; supposedly always the first Sunday after Labor Day unbeknownst to all but the marketing machine perpetuating it!) I’m … [Read more...]
GovTweets: A Snapshot of Election Dialogue
Not that a ton of teens are tweeting on Twitter just yet, but if helpful hacks like GovTweets take hold, the PoliSci exam cram kids will be au courant in a micro-second with these little info capsules! Created by Canadian political analyst Stephen Taylor, it’s a cool ‘day in the life’ of media mindshare in our ongoing Age of Conversation. He's made it so … [Read more...]
Teens and Technology: Countdown to YPulse National Mashup ’08!
“There are people who believe that for-profit marketing and non-profit youth media or education can’t exist in the same place. I disagree. That’s part of the reason why I call these events ‘Mashups,’ said YPulse founder Anastasia Goodstein. “They pull together people who don’t normally attend the same event.” Whoa, I’ll … [Read more...]