Media Unplugged: Clamping The IV Digital Drip (Pt1)

Dec. 14, 2015 Update Don't miss this Wall Street Journal article, "Is your Doctor Getting Too Much Screen Time? which is a huge patient/service complaint and a disconnect especially among seniors navigating health care systems often being told to do things online when they are not even conversant in that "language." It's a digital health "epic fail" on the transition tactics … [Read more...]

Josh in a Box: Helpful Advice For Parents of Teens!

Oct. 21, 2009 What if I told you a few of my favorite advice slingers and youth analysis pros aren’t even parents at all? There’s Anastasia Goodstein of Ypulse speaking from the GenX pulpit (ok, her days are numbered; she’s about to go on maternity leave) and Courtney Macavinta of RespectRx...Along with wünderkind GenY entrepreneur and media machine Vanessa Van Petten, … [Read more...]

Overachievers: Interview with Liz Funk Author of SuperGirls Speak Out!

Mar. 4, 2009 I'm berating myself for not having this interview 'go live' on Eastern time, where teen author Liz Funk (now 20) resides...I'm doing the best I can... ...ESPECIALLY since I got behind the eight ball due to delivering five hilarious "free-range teens" to their respective homes on a school night and didn't get the formatting done...So, alas, it's going live via … [Read more...]

GASP: Thrillseeking Kids Haven’t Got The Faintest Clue

I had really, REALLY hoped to kick off the New Year with all my Positive Picks in media, like Reddit's Feed a, the new virtual world Elf, and even commercial eco-efforts like Nickelodeon's Big Green Help ...and I WILL...I promise. But, alas, over winter break I heard some new reports and new stats of media spreading this ludicrous Darwinian IQ test of the … [Read more...]