Nov. 24, 2009 As fall weather kicks in and families hunker indoors to ‘more screen time’ than summer time norms, I hear tales of media management missteps that would spin heads faster than a Linda Blair Exorcist antic. (yes I know it’s almost Thanksgiving, but I’m still seguing from Halloween here…) I hear parents say things like “Oh, my kids play games sometimes, but we … [Read more...]
Internet Safety: Media Literacy Tips From Industry Insiders Pt 1
Privo Privacy Vault: How Safe is Kids Digital Data? Part 2

July 14, 2009 Yesterday in my Part One preamble to the interview with Privo executives, I tried to give an overview of how 'kids online safety' is more than 'balancing safety and fun' it's politics, it's opportunistic marketing, it's regulatory,'s complicated. With dogged tenacity here's my attempt to sort out how to keep kids safe online (for parents, as well as … [Read more...]
Shaping Youth Father’s Day Letter to President Obama

June 17, 2009 Bill Cosby has always been my favorite star, dating back to my childhood listening to his comedy routines on record albums. (roar, says the digital dinosaur!) It seems particularly fitting that President Obama has become a bit of a ‘Cosby-esque dad’ with his calm, approachable Cliff Huxtable demeanor and a media perception echoing that same warm, casual "my … [Read more...]
Ypulse Offers Stimulus Package for Youth Marketing Mashup: 30% Off!

May 13, 2009 Even big league marketers seem to be falling on tough times, as I just noticed Anastasia Goodstein has posted a “30% off” deal for the final weeks of registration for the 2009 Ypulse Youth Marketing Mashup June 1-2 in San Francisco. It reminds me of my days at the ad agency working on high end cruise line accounts that didn’t want to devalue the brand with … [Read more...]