Oct. 8, 2009 As we observe October as health month in multiple media iterations of kids' mental and physical well-being, it's fitting that I've been away covering the excitement at Health2.0 this week. What's it all about? To me, the Health2.0 conference is ideally a place where innovation technology collides with human needs in ambitious acceleration of fast-track … [Read more...]
Health2.0: Hunting Cryptic Cryptids in Cryptozoo!
Filed Under: EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Nutrition & Wellness, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: 2009, AHA, American Heart Association, Andre Blackman, art, cardiac, chasing cryptids, children, creatures, Cryptids, Cryptozoo, Digital, Dr. Jody Ranck, exergaming, FitBit, fitness, Frontline SMS, G-Force, Games for Good, games for health, Gaming4Health, geocache, geochase, global health, healing, health, Health month, Health2.0, healthGAMERS, hope phones, hospitals, humana, IFTF, Improv, Jane McGonigal, Jody Ranck, Kids, Kristi Miller Durazo, McKesson Foundation, Movement, NFL Rush, October, play, Play 60, Playnormous, public health, Pulse and Signal, real world games, Sendak, sex ed, SexTech Conference, sims, simulations, SMS, sugar stats, team building, Texting4Health, therapeutic, Tiptrees, Virtual Iraq, Virtual-Worlds, wellness, Wii, Wild things, youth