Nov. 24, 2009 As fall weather kicks in and families hunker indoors to ‘more screen time’ than summer time norms, I hear tales of media management missteps that would spin heads faster than a Linda Blair Exorcist antic. (yes I know it’s almost Thanksgiving, but I’m still seguing from Halloween here…) I hear parents say things like “Oh, my kids play games sometimes, but we … [Read more...]
Internet Safety: Media Literacy Tips From Industry Insiders Pt 1
Filed Under: Branding & Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: angst, Anne Collier, Balancing safety and fun, Beatbullying, CEOP, Channel Signal, chat rooms, children, computer world, Connect Safely, consoles, Crisp Thinking, cyber angels, cyber law, cybermentors, cybersafety, Cybersecurity, datamining, Death by information overload, digital citizens, digital citizenship, digital dinosaurs, Digizens, elearning, eModeration, EU Kidsonline, Facebook, filters, FOSI, gaming, Gazillion, genY, GenZ, Get safe, grooming, Habbo Hotel, Insafe, internet safety forum, internet safety tips, internet-safety, invisible cement, Izzy-Neis, Kids, Kids Online, knee-jerk reactions, Kzero, Larry-Magid, life literacy, media-literacy, Megan Meier, Metaverse ModSquad, MMO, MMORPG, moderated chat, moral-panic, multiplayer chat, NetFamily-News, obsolete tech, Ofcom, online communities, online moderators, online safety, Online safety 3.0, parenting, parents, predator panic, prevention, privacy, profile pages, reputation, Reputation Share, role playing, RPG, safer internet, screen time, SLJ, social-media, Spiral Solutions, Tamara Littleton, teens, ThinkUKnow, tmi, tracking tools, tweens, Twitter, Virtual-Worlds, Webosaurs, youth, youth risk
Kids Online UnConference: Everyone Has An Agenda, Including YOU!

November 13, 2008: Be there for the Kids Online: Balancing Fun and Safety Unconference! A few years back when I heard the geek/chic term “UnConference” I immediately thought it must be a “virtual” happening instead of a fly-in to reduce one’s carbon footprint. (shows you how I roll) Then I shrugged, “maybe it’s an … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Product Placement, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: Adinas-Deck, Anne Collier, best practices, CDD, chat moderation, classroom technology, Connect Safely, COPPA, Corporate Baysitter, CSM, cyber angels, cyber law, cyber safety, Cyberbullying, danah-boyd, Denise Tayloe, digital citizenship, digital media, Dizzywood, Elf-Island, gaming, Generation-Digital, Hastac, Health 2.0, Internet identity, internet-safety, iSafe, Izzy-Neis, Jeff-Chester, Joi Podgorny, Kaliya Hamlin, KFF, Kids Online, Kids Online Balancing Safety and Fun unconference, Larry-Magid, Ludorum, M2M, MacArthur-Foundation, metaverse mod squad, Michael-Carter, Netsmartz, PEM, Pew Internet, piracy, privacy, Privo, social-media, teens, totally wired, tweens, Unconference, Virtual-Worlds, Web Wise Kids, Wired Safety, Youth-Media, Zookazoo