April 12, 2009 Passover, Easter and religious convos aside, let’s just say EVERY generation seems to love spring fun and festivity. My parents hosted a pack of 85 year olds in an impromptu ‘just do it’ session awhile back and you’d think those ‘kids’ were 8 and 5 not eighty-five. In my house today, the Easter bunny got a bit creative with the teen scene, to hide her basket … [Read more...]
Do Older Kids Outgrow Easter Egg Hunts and Dyeing Eggs?
A Virtual World to Be Wild About: Elf Island Tweens Help WildAid
Feb. 18, 2009 As reticent as I am to bring MORE media into kids’ lives, when I’d rather they be outside in non-electronic natural environs, I’m firmly convinced that it’s all about balance, content, values, messaging, and leveraging the power of media in positive ways. No secret that I’ve had my eye on Elf Island (fact sheet here) ever since Izzy Neis gave a heads up on this … [Read more...]
Kids@Play: Elf Island Unlocks the Secret to Parent Approval
I was AWOL at CES as my IBM went MIA. Translated? You're SOL (simply outta luck) if you're seeking a fresh thread on the big Consumer Electronics Show toys and tactics targeting kids at the Kids at Play summit, until I can reconvene with colleagues or TechMamas that were present to interview them and/or pitch a guest editorial. I tried, I really tried to get there. The … [Read more...]
Using Matching Funds Marketing Tactics: A Win-Win For Kids
Ok mathletes and marketing mavens...when does $125=$250? The economy’s in the tank, and I want every penny leveraged to the max, so it makes sense that I’d wait until the 'best year-end deal' to gift to my favorite orgs using matching funds before Jan. 1. Since I literally received an EASTER toy catalog promo the day after Christmas (ack!) I’ve decided … [Read more...]
Treat Suneet By Voting for Dream Village TODAY At IdeaBlob!
Crowdsourcing has become quite the ‘thang’ with ideas percolating all over the globe on how to create healthier worldviews for kids online, offline, and bridging both worlds in between! (The much anticipated Elf Island opens Tuesday in beta testing, woohoo! It's an AMAZING online to offline bridge for changemaking in the childrens' media arena, and I've been mum … [Read more...]