March 25, 2019 Mute. Block. Unfriend. Delete. Ghost. It’s fast, effective and final, but these one-click solutions that treat humans like devices are creating behaviors that are almost algorithmic in their ability to place value, assign patterns, and assess an ‘effort to yield’ ratio that determines whether someone rates a diss and dismiss based on level of contact and whether … [Read more...]
Miss Travel: Misrepresentation Way Beyond Arm Candy
April 26, 2012 “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck”… It doesn’t take much inductive reasoning to see Miss Travel is afoul. That said, using critical thinking skills to see why this new ‘dating site’ offering ‘free travel for attractive people’ (ahem, cough, prosti-travel) doesn’t pass the sniff test is a useful mini-lesson. Miss Travel is a teachable … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Damaging Drek, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Misogyny & Racism, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity, Vapid Values, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: Am I Ugly videos, Amy-Jussel, APA sexualization study, appearance cues, arm candy, Bailey Shoemaker Richards, beautiful people fly free, beauty myth, Beauty Redefined, commodification, dating sites, degradation, escort service, generous and attractive people, girl caught, girls-self-worth, golddiggers, hotties fly free, human trafficking, Media Education, Media Literacy Clearinghouse, Media-Influence-Kids, media-literacy, Miss Bimbo, Miss Travel, objectification, outrage baiting, profiteering, prosti-travel, self-objectification, self-worth, Sexualization, SPARK! summit, stop disrespecting women, Sugar daddy, Take Back Beauty, teen depression, The Illusionists