March 25, 2019 Mute. Block. Unfriend. Delete. Ghost. It’s fast, effective and final, but these one-click solutions that treat humans like devices are creating behaviors that are almost algorithmic in their ability to place value, assign patterns, and assess an ‘effort to yield’ ratio that determines whether someone rates a diss and dismiss based on level of contact and whether … [Read more...]
The Gift of Failure Applies Far Beyond Parenting
Dec. 7, 2015: I've decided to freecycle the book I bought as my holiday gift to readers, so add your own "gift of failure" in the comments section (or tweet @ShapingYouth) for a chance to win it! Dec. 6, 2015 It’s affordable, though hard to wrap, since it shape-shifts at different ages and stages. It’s elusive, with many parents not quite ready to invest in short term … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Pro-Social & Positive Picks Tagged With: #GiftOfFailure, adolescent depression, child development, coddled kids, Doing School, educating kids, fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, Gift of Failure, growth mindset vs fixed mindset, helicopter parents, Jess Lahey, Jessica Lahey, learned helplessness, learning from mistakes, over-achievers, over-parenting, parenting, Rachel Simmons, resilience, teaching kids its okay to fail, teaching moments, why failure hits girls hard