GLTR Girls: Girls Learn to Ride Creates Oceans of Self Esteem

Surfing. Wakeboarding. Snowboarding. Skateboarding. Skiing. All are ‘wannabe’ favorites of GLTR girls that opt for ‘X-treme’ sports over the ‘girly girl’ glitter-fest, like my 13-year old 'Billabong blonde' who’s ready to try most any new sports venture now that she’s gained so much self-worth. She’s been waterskiing long … [Read more...]

Women and the Military: MyVetwork Launches Today!

Anyone who has been involved with the military community recognizes ‘active duty’ soldiers are only the most visible folks who serve... Kids, military moms and sisters of all sorts are included in our annual Veteran’s Day post honoring “all things girl” week on Shaping Youth, so I'm proud to announce the premiere of a brand new community just … [Read more...]