Shaping Youth Father’s Day Letter to President Obama

June 17, 2009 Bill Cosby has always been my favorite star, dating back to my childhood listening to his comedy routines on record albums.  (roar, says the digital dinosaur!) It seems particularly fitting that President Obama has become a bit of a ‘Cosby-esque dad’ with his calm, approachable Cliff Huxtable demeanor and a media perception echoing that same warm, casual  "my … [Read more...]

Kids Online UnConference: Everyone Has An Agenda, Including YOU!

November 13, 2008: Be there for the Kids Online: Balancing Fun and Safety Unconference! A few years back when I heard the geek/chic term “UnConference” I immediately thought it must be a “virtual” happening instead of a fly-in to reduce one’s carbon footprint. (shows you how I roll) Then I shrugged, “maybe it’s an … [Read more...]

Youth Data Mining 101: Privacy Breaches, Opt-Outs, ToolBar Add-Ons

"Holy data-sucking, Batman!" (no, not one of the boy wonder's bat quotes...but it should be...) In this SkypeJournal article called Batman, the Surveillance Society and Moral Design, the mobile-phone powered surveillance state of the Dark Knight movie is not so far off from reality right this very second. SkypeJournal blogger Phil Wolff asks, "If industry has the power … [Read more...]