Survivor, The Lunch Table Edition: SEL to Prevent Bullying

Sept. 6, 2011 As school starts this week for the very few left that haven’t had summer short-circuited with August start dates, we’re continuing our focus on solutions-based media to ramp up Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and digital citizenship in an effort to not just squash ‘bullying’ but PREVENT it.Whether it’s an entirely new school experience or just curbing first … [Read more...]

6th Grade Boy Pulls A Susan Boyle To Trump LadyGaga

May 20, 2010 Riddle me this… What dynamo 6th grade boy from Edmond, Oklahoma performed LadyGaga’s Paparazzi managing to segue the local audience from ‘ho-hum, just another piano number’ talent show inattentiveness to jaw-dropping admiration in ‘omg, this boy has some SERIOUS pipes’ style? (video after the jump) AND... How did digital media turn Greyson Chance into this … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Sponsors She’s Geeky: Where WIT & Wisdom Flourish

Update Jan. 9, 2017 Coming up...Jan. 28, 2017 my favorite "unconference" convenes called "She's Geeky" which I've written about since its inception, with posts from 2007 and for years thereafter in a 2009 3-part STEM series and 2010 sponsorship and beyond...I highly encourage any and all to attend and experience the magic of no holds barred straight shooting, … [Read more...]

GASP: Thrillseeking Kids Haven’t Got The Faintest Clue

I had really, REALLY hoped to kick off the New Year with all my Positive Picks in media, like Reddit's Feed a, the new virtual world Elf, and even commercial eco-efforts like Nickelodeon's Big Green Help ...and I WILL...I promise. But, alas, over winter break I heard some new reports and new stats of media spreading this ludicrous Darwinian IQ test of the … [Read more...]